A Preliminary Study for the DB Construction of Vocational Training Agencies and Training Programs

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This study examines the experience of and the demand for information on vocational training agencies and training programs, with a view to planning a more appropriate database construction. The researchers reviewed domestic and foreign information systems and databases, and conducted a survey to find out the actual usage and the demand of users for the training information. The users of training information, who have been surveyed consist of staff members of companies in charge of education and training, and trainees(both employed and unemployed) enrolled in the programs of training agencies. On the basis of survey results, this study evokes the purpose to which the database of vocational training information serves, and depicts provisional designs for database structure and composition of contents. This study also proposes executive plans for the database construction process, from data collection to maintenance and control of the database system, and four-staged working plans.
Table Of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Results of survey on the usage and demand for vocational training information
III. The strategies for the database construction
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
KRIVET. (2002-05-31). A Preliminary Study for the DB Construction of Vocational Training Agencies and Training Programs.
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연구자료 및 Paper > II. Research Abstracts
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