2002 Annual Survey of Human Resource Development in Enterprises

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Human resource development (HRD) policy should be based on comprehensive data that are acquired through scientific and systematic research which takes into account the radical changes taking place in industrial structure and in labor markets, and the firms' responses to the challenges of these changes. However, the actual state of HRD in enterprises has so far not been accurately or concretely grasped, which works as an obstacle to the establishment and implementation of an effective HRD policy. This means that basic data on HRD in enterprises should be collected and constructed in advance.
This study is a follow-up study to "A Preliminary Study on the Current State of HRD in Enterprises", conducted in 2001. The purposes of the study are as follows:
-To develop a questionnaire to analyze the current state of HRD in enterprises
-To understand the current state of HRD in Korean enterprises through a survey research
-To provide the basic data for the construction of a DB on the current state of HRD in enterprises
- To provide the basic data for the determination of HRD policies.

To achieve these purposes, the study was conducted using the following subjects and methods. First, the study analyzed the achievements of HRD using an employment insurance DB from 2001. Second, it developed a survey questionnaire for the current state of HRD in enterprises in 2002 and conducted a survey of 1,500 business sites that employed five or more people according to the employment insurance DB. Third, a professional committee, consisting of HRD professionals, staffers from the Ministry of Labour and the Small Business Administration, and professionals from academic fields, was formed to consider research direction and methods. Finally, the study proposes new directions of HRD policies and improvements for future HRD research.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. Overview
Ⅱ. Findings
1. The Current State of Supply and Demand of Manpower in Enterprises
2. The Current State of HRD in Enterprises
3. The Current State of Training Activities
4. The Current State of HRD Partnership
Ⅲ. Suggestions
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
KRIVET. (2003-05-31). 2002 Annual Survey of Human Resource Development in Enterprises.
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연구자료 및 Paper > II. Research Abstracts
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