A Korea-China Comparative Study on Technological Education According to Different Phases of Industrial Development

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With the rapid emergence of China as a regional power, there is increasing cooperation and exchange in various fields including politics, economics, society and culture among countries in Northeast Asia. Korea-China relations in particular are entering a new phase since friendly relations were established between the two countries. Relations between South Korea and North Korea are shifting toward a positive direction, as well.
Korea-China relations are becoming more important owing to the historical, geographical and cultural backgrounds. Relations between Korea and China include a wide range of exchange and cooperation including vocational and technical education for the development of human resources.
As a part of an effort to enhance cooperation in the fields of vocational and technical education, KRIVET signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Central Institute for Vocational and Technical Education (CIVTE) of China, and exchanged ideas on vocational and technical education through various means including international conferences on vocational and technical education. Current research is the first stage of such an effort and represents a comprehensive, comparative study on changes in vocational and technical education in Korea and China according to the stage of industrial development in the two countries.
In the research, it was acknowledged that vocational and technological education contributed much to the industrial development of both countries. Change in each developmental phase was examined, and then change, development, and future prospects of vocational and technical education in both countries were suggested along with measures of exchange and cooperation.
Current research faced difficulties owing to the differences in the environments of vocational and technological education in both countries. Despite that, the research is expected to work as a new starting point in the exchange and cooperation in the fields of vocational and technological education of the two countries.
Table Of Contents
I. Background
II. Changes in Vocational and Technical Education according to the Stage of Industrial Development in Korea and China
III. Suggestions from a Korea-China Comparative Study of Vocational and Technical Education
IV. Suggestions
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
KRIVET. (2003-05-31). A Korea-China Comparative Study on Technological Education According to Different Phases of Industrial Development.
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연구자료 및 Paper > II. Research Abstracts
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