사업주 자체 직업훈련의 활성화 방안

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A Study on the Vocational Training by Employers
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The Vocational Training Promotion Act having been enforced in 1999, Korea's vocational training has come to the most important turning point. The enforcement of the Vocational Training Promotion Act has changed existing businesses, objects of compulsory vocational training, to targets of the employment insurance vocational training project, by which businesses, all of beneficiaries of employment insurance, have come to be objects of the employment insurance vocational training project. Considering that the compulsory vocational training system gave a good result in terms of a duty for training, however, the actual result of employment insurance vocational training is quite bad. For example, while most of the obligatory training expenses of the compulsory vocational training system were consumed, the subsidy for vocational training from employment insurance is no more than 13.6% of the total subsidy of the vocational training project as of June 1999.
Accordingly, this study aims to understand vocational training offered by employers under the operative employment insurance law gives a bad result and suggest how to activate vocational training by employers.
In order to achieve these purposes of study, related literature and statistics were analyzed and vocational training agencies of employers were investigated by interview. Especially, vocational training supporting systems of some foreign countries including the U.K., France, Germany, Australia and Singapore were analyzed to make suggestions to us. In addition, persons concerned were led to participate in discussions to set forth their opinions and draw policy plans.
Table Of Contents

Ⅰ. 서론 1

1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 방법 4

Ⅱ. 사업주의 직업능력개발훈련 제도의 연혁 5

1. 직업훈련의무제도의 변천 5
가. 변천과정 5
나. 훈련의무제도의 성격 6
2. 고용보험법의 직업능력개발사업의 도입 8
3. 근로자직업훈련촉진법의 개요 11
가. 근로자직업훈련촉진법의 기본방향 11
나. 근로자직업훈련촉진법에 의한 직업능력개발훈련의 개요 12

Ⅲ. 외국의 직업훈련의무제도 22

1. 프랑스의 훈련분담금 22
가. 도제세 22
나. 계속교육 및 훈련 23
2. 영국의 분담금제도 25
가. 산업훈련위원회의 발전과정 25
나. 분담금/장려금제도의 사례: 기계산업훈련위원회 27
3. 호주의 훈련보장제도 28
4. 싱가포르의 교육훈련정책 30
5. 독일의 직업교육과 훈련 33
가. 이원화제도 33
나. 계속훈련 35
6. 각국의 예에 따른 시사점 36

Ⅳ. 사업주 직업능력개발훈련의 현안문제 38

1. 사업주 직업능력개발사업의 지원실적과 문제점 38
가. 직업훈련의무제 하에서의 사업내 직업훈련실적 38
나. 통합 전 직업능력개발사업의 지원실적 39
나. 통합 후 직업능력개발사업의 지원실적 및 문제점 41
2. 현행 사업주 직업능력개발훈련에 대한 사업주측 인식 44
3. 정책방향의 모색 46
가. 정부개입의 타당성에 대한 논의 46
나. 정부개입의 수준과 방법에 관한 논의 48

Ⅴ. 정책방안 및 결론 52

참고문헌 56


부록 60
정택수. (1999-12-31). 사업주 자체 직업훈련의 활성화 방안.
Research Report
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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