A Research on Model for Development and Operating System of Training Courses within the Vocational Competency Development Account System

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Now in 2013, when Vocational Competency Development Account System(VCDAS) has been practiced for six years, the controversy over the level of Eligible Training Process(ETP) has continued. Therefore, we need to develop training process and operating system of VCDAS by designing its development, application and follow-up management. Then, we can provide them to vocational training institutions and use them to screen ETP. In other words, we should improve overall level of VCDAS training process, provide trainees with decent-quality vocational training, and further enhance overall standard of vocational training.
For these reasons, we develop VCDAS training process and consider relevant theories of its operating system. Then, we select and analyze excellent training processes and its training institutions based on certain level. Afterwards, we develop training process and operating system covering demand survey of training process development to trainees’ employment and follow-up management, and we suggest relevant policy proposals. The purpose of the research is to help training institutions, which participate in VCDAS in the future, and to develop and operate training processes properly. A model for VCDAS training process and operating system designed by the research is as below. ...
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
KRIVET. (2014-08-08). A Research on Model for Development and Operating System of Training Courses within the Vocational Competency Development Account System.
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연구자료 및 Paper > II. Research Abstracts
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