A Research on Supporting Plans to Enhance Career Guidance Competency of University Faculty to Cope with Job Qualitative Mismatches

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Although Korean university faculty recognizes that career guidance and employment guidance for students are important roles of university and faculty, actual practice is low, and they complain of difficulties in lack of expertise, information, and resources for career guidance. In the case of university students, when entering a university, they have made career or major choices without a specific understanding of the department(major). Therefore, despite the ‘career path’ accounts for highest degree of university life concerns, satisfaction with career-related services provided on campus, including career counseling with faculty advisor is not high.
Meanwhile, studies on labor market performance according to the degree of major-job matches are being actively conducted. According to these prior studies, a higher major-job mismatch has a negative effect on wages. Therefore, this research aimed to identify the career guidance competency of university faculty to cope with job qualitative mismatches of young people and to suggest supporting plans to enhance the career guidance competency of faculty members.
In order to achieve this purpose, the following process was carried out. First, the theoretical concepts and components of career guidance competency of university faculty were examined by literature review. Next, the expert panel which consists of 20 career guidance experts and 10 competency experts was organized to conduct two rounds of Delphi. For the first Delphi, 27 members of expert panel had participated in the survey and based on the results, a draft of career guidance competency model was drawn. For the second Delphi, 26 members of expert panel had participated in the survey and each expert panel members’ opinions about ① Adequacy of competency definition, ② Adequacy of behavioral indicators, ③ Supporting plans on competency building were investigated. The competency model was revised and complemented based on survey results and opinions on supporting plans for competency enhancing are classified into national and university levels.
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
KRIVET. (2020-12-24). A Research on Supporting Plans to Enhance Career Guidance Competency of University Faculty to Cope with Job Qualitative Mismatches.
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연구자료 및 Paper > II. Research Abstracts
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