직업교육훈련 관련 법규의 국제비교연구

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Comparative Research on VET-Related Laws and System
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본 연구는 국제비교연구를 통하여 우선 외국의 제도와 정책을 이해하고, 나아가 그들의 정책경험을 벤치마킹함으로써 우리 제도의 발전방안을 모색하는 것을 목적으로 한다.
Vocational education and training in United Kingdom has traditionally been regarded as the responsibility of employers and labors. But after the Industrial Training Act in 1964, this was changed into tripartite system. In 1995 DfEE had been made, and now Labor government headed by Blaire stresses 'Welfare-to-Work', continuing to pursue the decentralization of vocational education and training system. The focus of vocational education and training policy in these days is to activate the training market which is leaded by employers and labors.
The vocational education in Britain is classified into one in pre-16-year-old compulsory secondary education and the other in post-16-year-old compulsory secondary education. In this level, the vocational education is provided by comprehensive schools, technology colleges, and city technology colleges. Post-compulsory secondary education is accomplished in sixth-form colleges, and further education institutions. Lots of further education institutions provide post-16 students with liberal education as well as vocational education.
Related to lifelong education, Britain government published the green paper, the Learning Age in 1998, which included new ways of lifelong learning such as UfI(Unversity for Industry), and ILA(Individual Learning Accounts). UfI is for the purposes of making a wide range learning demands, and includes 'Learning Direct' to offer useful learning information. In addition, there is IiP(Investors in people), which links the management strategy with training and human resources development much stronger.
Among the vocational training is the initial training, which is for the young people except high school students and those who take trainings of NVQ 3 level or over, in the age of 16-to-19. For those youngsters there are WBTYP(work based training for young people) such as Modern Apprenticeship, the National Traineeship, and Youth Training. The finance of Modern Apprenticeship is provided by TEC according to the industry and training form, and the qualification of it is about 900 NVQs.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 설 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법 5
Ⅱ. 영국의 직업교육훈련 9
1. 개관 9
2. 직업교육 24
3. 직업훈련 32
4. 평생학습 50
5. 직업교육훈련 법제 56
Ⅲ. 결 어 67
1. 우리나라 직업교육훈련의 현황과 문제점 67
2. 영국제도의 시사점 103
참 고 문 헌 109
최영호. (2000-12-20). 직업교육훈련 관련 법규의 국제비교연구.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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