There are two methods that are widely used in the calculation of costs of training for each type of occupation. One is based on the costs covered by the training program itself and the other is based on surveys of tuition costs in the training market. In Korea, the calculation of training costs is an amalgamation of both methods; the standard training cost based on training standards and the accordant occupation-type standard training cost are first calculated, followed by adjustments reflecting rises in prices and wages, with the recent addition of market surveys of costs and actual training costs. In order to calculate and apply standard training costs for the year 2001, the information problem of the market-based cost--arising from the lack of occupation types that carry out training--needs to be remedied, and at the same time adjustments should be made to account for price and wage increases. The purpose of this study is to coordinate an appropriate level of subsidy support for training cost by not only utilizing the previous methods of market surveys of occupation-type training tuitions, complemented by surveys of tuitions in private academies specializing in technical fields and professional junior colleges, but also adjusting for rates of increase in prices and wages. The ultimate goal is to enhance the efficiency of investments into vocational skills development and to nurture a sound vocational education and training market. ...
Table Of Contents
연구요약 Ⅰ. 서 론 1 1. 연구 필요성 및 목적 1 2. 연구의 내용 2 3. 연구추진 방법 3 Ⅱ. 직종별 훈련비용단가 산출방법 5 1. 직종별 훈련비용단가의 개념 5 2. 훈련기준에 의한 표준훈련비의 산출방법 6 3. 실 훈련비용 조사에 의한 훈련비용 단가의 산출방법 7 Ⅲ. 임금, 물가 및 수강료 조사 11 1. 물가 및 평균임금의 변화 11 2. 기술계학원 및 전문대학의 수강료 조사 18 Ⅳ. 직종별 훈련비용 단가의 산출 31 1. 직종별 훈련비용 단가 차이의 반영 31 2. 직종별 훈련비용 단가의 산출 37 Ⅴ. 결론 51 참고문헌 52