Qualitative Research into False/Exaggerated Claim Cases of Workplace Bullying in South Korea

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Yoojeong Nadine Seo
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Workplace BullyingFalse/Exaggerated ClaimsManagement’s Conflict AvoidanceSouth Korea
False bullying claims are likely to coincide with the enactment of anti-workplace bullying legislation during unstable labor market. It is likely that false bullying cases are mishandled in South Korean workplace due to the management’s tendency to shift responsibility and scapegoat an individual for the benefit of the organisation. This paper examines seven South Korean cases of false claims in terms of the reported behavior, characteristics of the claimant’s actions, responses from management, impact on the reported individuals, and motives of the claimants. Consistent behavioral patterns of claimants included (1) exaggerating neutral behaviors as malicious ones or producing false details and (2) exposing (or threatening to expose) their case to pressure management. Management tended to avoid involvement and shift responsibility, even at the expenses of an innocent employee. The impact on the accused included damage to their reputation and career prospects, impaired physical and psychological health, financial loss, and loss of trust in management and colleagues. The claims were suspected or found to be motivated by claimant’s self-interest, seeking tangible or intangible benefits. This study’s findings have implications for handling false bullying claims in that the management’s avoidance of responsibility and failure to maintain objectivity could lead to further suffering of true victims or the falsely accused. By mishandling workplace bullying cases, the management may become an accessory to an upward bullying or become a perpetrator themselves.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. Introduction / 3
Ⅱ. Literature Review / 5
Ⅲ. Research Methods / 7
Ⅳ. Results / 8
Ⅴ. Discussion / 23
References / 30
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
Yoojeong Nadine Seo. (2022-12-27). Qualitative Research into False/Exaggerated Claim Cases of Workplace Bullying in South Korea.
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연구자료 및 Paper > IV. Working paper (2004~현재)
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