취업한 장애인의 체계적 경력개발을 위한 모형 연구

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The Systematic Career Development Model for Workers with Disabilities
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The Research is aimed at analyzing the problems workers with disabilities experience in the workplace, and at presenting a model for systematic career development as a means to address their problems. The Research analyzes job conversion, information sources, work stress and its major causes, the reasons behind career conversion, and conditions of job transition/conversion. The Research also looks into the directions of career development among workers with disabilities through their career patterns and post-retirement plans. An analysis of degrees of satisfaction in various aspects of living has confirmed that satisfaction in the workplace is the most crucial component for the overall quality of life. It also shows that workers with disabilities show attitudes toward work and characteristics indistinguishable from other workers - measured against positive attitude to work, the will toward career resilience, and a sense of efficacy in seeking job.
Chapter 2 sums up the lessons that career development theories offer by studying those theories from individual, organizational and sociological viewpoints. Chapter 3 examines the status of life in the workplace among people with disabilities based on a 1995 survey of people with disabilities and statistical yearbooks issued by the National Statistical Office. It also summarizes problems relating to career development among people with disabilities. Chapter 4 analyzes in-depth interviews with workers with disabilities and their employers. The major outcomes are briefly summarized in this excerpt. Chapter 5, underpinned by the analyses of Chapter 4, offers a model that contains the most necessary components for career development among workers with disabilities and ways for systematic communications. Chapter 6 proposes various supportive steps needed to put the model to use.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구 내용 4
3. 연구 방법 4
4. 면접조사 방법 16
Ⅱ. 경력개발 이론적 접근과 선행연구 21
1. 개인 관점의 경력개발이론 21
2. 조직 및 사회적 관점의 경력개발이론 27
3. 직업재활과 경력개발 30
4. 장애인 직업심리 33
Ⅲ. 취업한 장애인의 직업 생활 현황 37
1. 장애자의 특성 37
2. 우리나라 장애인 직업생활 현황 37
3. 취업한 장애인 경력개발의 문제점 43
IV. 장애 근로자의 경력개발 요구 분석 45
1. 장애 근로자의 응답자 특성 45
2. 취업경로 51
3. 직장/ 직무 적응 60
4. 경력전환 65
5. 직업관/성격특성 75
6. 삶의 질 86
7. 은퇴 후 계획 93
8. 정보매체활용 97
9. 장애 근로자 경력개발 요구사항(사업주 측면) 103
Ⅴ. 장애 근로자의 체계적 경력개발 모형 111
1. 1단계 : 자신에 대한 이해와 진단 111
2. 2단계 : 경력목표 설정 113
3. 3단계 : 경력목표 실행 과정 113
4. 4 단계 : 평가 114
5. 사회적 편견·인식의 변화 120
6. 경력개발모형의 전달 방식 121
VI. 제언 127
참고 문헌 131
부록 145
이지연. (2000-12-31). 취업한 장애인의 체계적 경력개발을 위한 모형 연구.
Research Report
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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