계층별 훈련 활성화 방안

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A Scheme to Invigorate Level Training in Firms
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본 연구는 현행 근로자직업훈련촉진법에서의 계층별 훈련에 대한 지원체계의 실태와 문제점을 분석하여 적절한 방안을 제시함으로써 계층별훈련을 활성화하는데 목적이 있다.
When entering a firm, the employee becomes a member of the organizational hierarchy characteristic of the firm. Each employee is generally labelled as an entry-level employee, regular employee, supervisor, manager, or upper management in terms of their hierarchical position. Level training refers to the provision of training to workers at all levels of such an organizational hierarchy in order to facilitate the accomplishment of tasks befitting the firm's business objectives. In contrast, vocational ability training is the implementation of employee training according to their expert fields.
The significance of level training of employees is undisputed in that the enhancement of task accomplishment abilities depends on the appropriateness of training that is delivered to the worker's position in the firm. Yet performance results of level training indicate that the current system of training support is problematic. It is thus necessary to conduct a thorough investigation of the present status of the implementation of level training within firms and present alternative solutions.
Against this backdrop, this study purports to analyze the problems of the support system of level training, as mandated by the Workers' Vocational Training Promotion Act, and introduce measures to improve the current system. Ultimately, it is expected that such research will contribute to the promotion and widespread utilization of the level training system. Toward this end, some definitional issues were covered as a first step, followed by a report on the current status as well as the performance results of level training. In addition, the case of Japan, based on whose system level training in Korea was adopted, was studied. The results of the case study were analyzed in order to provide measures for promoting level training in Korea.
The current status reports of level training in firms were compiled from the data on training results provided by the firms' human resources department. Also analyzed were related acts and laws, including the Vocational Training Promotion Act, as well as the existing literature and case studies of in-firm training in Japan. Furthermore, the curricula of level training conducted in the leading training institutions in Korea were examined. Finally, two expert panel meetings were held to suggest measures for improvement.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 내용 2
3. 연구의 추진 방법 3
Ⅱ. 계층별 훈련의 현황과 문제점 5
1. 계층별 훈련의 개념 5
2. 우리 나라 관리·감독자 훈련의 도입과 전개 8
3. 훈련비용 지원의 변화와 문제점 14
Ⅲ. 기업체의 계층별 훈련 실태조사 19
1. 기업체의 계층별 훈련 조사개요 19
2. 기업체의 계층별 훈련 실태조사 결과 20
Ⅳ. 일본 기업내 교육의 계층별 훈련 31
1. 전후 일본 기업내 교육의 변천 31
2. 일본 기업내 교육의 체계와 계층별 훈련 45
3. 최근 일본 기업내 교육의 사례 66
Ⅴ. 계층별 훈련 활성화 방안 75
1. 현행 제도상의 계층별 훈련 지원방법의 검토 75
2. 계층별 훈련의 활성화 방안 80
Ⅵ. 결론 93
참고문헌 95
부 록 101
정택수. (2000-12-26). 계층별 훈련 활성화 방안.
Research Report
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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