Multiple numbers of institutes and organizations such as vocational training centers (including of local autonomous bodies), vocational training centers inside the industries, government-funding training organizations, universities and colleges, educational institutes and private institutes are implementing vocational education and training. All these centers are either regular or irregular ones that carry out each different system of curriculum. Vocational schools runs by Seoul Metropolitan City (It shall be hereafter called Seoul City) are categorized into the one of those projected by local autonomous bodies. Seoul City believes that vocational training requires bona fide competition, and that scientific and proper evaluation with vocational training centers and their programs is necessary in order to promptly meet the ever-changing industries of the future, and that the analyzed evaluation should be open to the public discussion. While vocational training should be implemented in a frame where the feedback of input, processing and output is evaluated, Seoul City believes that the evaluation has been not performed either continuously or generally and that the outcome of evaluation has not been open in standardized format. There was no way of evaluating the originality and efficiency of the training programs as each center carried out each different method on the same curriculum. For the improved operation of vocational training project, Seoul City has set two evaluation systems, one as the situational evaluation that newly established the categories of training courses and the second as the input evaluation that promoted its evaluation toward the generality with the outcome of the training, achievement of training purpose, satisfaction by trainees and enhancement of trainees capability in the evaluation of four vocational schools the City has designated. The purposes of evaluation include the following: To provide the basic data for remolding of training programs that should meet both industrial requirements and Seoul City's policy for vocational training. To grasp the operational capability of vocational training centers or schools to which the City provides qualified programs. To encourage the vocational schools or centers for higher responsibility which would be reflected in training curriculum. To confirm whether the vocational schools have satisfied the requirements of training with trainees, instructors, industries and local communities, and to evaluate whether the specific training has met those requirements. To analyze whether the training expenses have properly been spent to the level up of training. To intensify the supervising function over these vocational schools through evaluating the program implementation by these schools. To present the model programs for the enhancement of training projects. Approach to evaluation has been made with document review and locale visit. The document review meant to evaluate the performance of these schools through the documented checklists made out by schools themselves. Based on the document review, an evaluation committee consisting of expert in each field of the training programs toured in locale visit for physical inspection over the four fields of evaluation such as environment, management, curriculum and training outcome from which 19 sectors are derived in total. ...
Table Of Contents
1부 . 서론 및 평가 개요 1 Ⅰ . 서론 3 Ⅱ . 평가 개요 5 1. 서울시립직업전문학교 평가 추진 배경 5 2. 평가위원회 6 3. 평가 절차 7 4. 평가 실행 원칙 8 2부 . 평가영역별 내용 분석 및 결과 19 Ⅰ . 환경 평가 21 1. 산업 발전에 따른 훈련직종 평가 21 2. 노동시장 38 3. 재단 및 학교의 훈련 운영 47 4. 훈련 정원 51 5. 소결 57 Ⅱ . 재단 (기관 ) 경영평가 61 1. 기관 목표 61 2. 기관 발전 노력 62 3. 재정 건전성 63 4. 물적자원 확보 68 5. 인적자원 구성 72 6. 지역사회 연계 75 7. 소결 77 Ⅲ . 훈련과정 평가 79 1. 훈련직종 개발 79 2. 훈련과정 지원 88 3. 훈련 내용 93 4. 훈련 방법 94 5. 훈련 평가 99 6. 소결 102 Ⅳ . 훈련효과 평가 105 1. 고객만족도 105 2. 학습성취도 126 3. 직무수행능력 평가 129 4. 훈련효과 130 5. 소결 140 3부 . 결과 요약 및 정책제언 145 Ⅰ . 요약 147 1. 영역별 평가 결과 147 2. 학교별 평가 결과 156 Ⅱ . 정책제언 163 ABSTRACT 171 부 록 175