Meister High School System in Korea

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Jinyoung YuMihwan OhSeoungnam KimEunjeong Yoo
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As the public research institute for Korea’s vocational education and training, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) publishes this book with the support of Korea’s Ministry of Education.
Chapters 1 and 2 provide an overview and the current status of Meister high schools in Korea, respectively. Chapter 3 provides details about Meister high schools, Chapter 4 introduces national policy support for Meister high schools, and Chapter 5 presents Meister high schools’ achievements. Chapter 6 summarizes the previous chapters and suggests improvement measures for the future.
We hope this book deepens the readers’ understanding of Korea’s Meister high schools, and we appreciate their continued support.
Table Of Contents
Chapter Ⅰ. Overview of Korean Meister High School System_1
1. History of Korean Meister High School System 3
2. Meister High School Operating Model 7
Chapter Ⅱ. Current Status of Korean Meister High School System_11
1. Current Status of Korea’s High School System 13
2. Current Status of Korean Meister High School 17
Chapter Ⅲ. Development and Operation of Korean Meister High School Program_23
1. Developing Curriculum Tailored to Industry Demand 25
2. After-School Programs 27
3. Promotion of Project-Based Learning (PBL) 29
4. Graduate Certification System 31
5. Dormitory Accommodation 34
6. Promotion of Industry-School Cooperation 36
Chapter Ⅳ. National Policy Support for Korean Meister High School System_41
1. Establishment of Center for Meister High School 43
2. Budgetary support 56
3. Support on Teachers 57
Chapter Ⅴ. Outcomes of Korean Meister High School System_61
1. Outcome of the Meister High School System 63
2. Social Outcomes of Meister High School 64
3. Changing the Social Perception of Vocational Education 65
Chapter Ⅵ. Prospects and Implications for Meister High Schools in Korea_71
1. Summary and Improvement Plan 73
Ministry of Education, KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
Jinyoung Yu. (2022-01-31). Meister High School System in Korea.
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연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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