본 연구는 실업대책 직업훈련의 근간이라 할 수 있는 실업자재취직훈련의 성과를 재취업률, 임금, 노동이동 등을 중심으로 접근하여 1998년, 1999년의 성과와 2000년의 분석결과를 비교함으로써 그간의 실업대책 직업훈련에 참여한 훈련생의 변화 상태와 정책의 효율성을 검증하여 실효성 있는 정책방안을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. The objective of this research is to present feasible policy measures by verifying the changes in the participants of the vocational training for the unemployed, and the efficiency of this policy. This was done by comparing the outcomes of reemployment training for the unemployed - which can be said to be the fundamental of vocational training in 1998 and 1999 as well as the analytical result of the year 2000, focusing on reemployment rate, wages and labor turnover. Since this research had been continually studied over the last two years, it mostly applied the existing analysis form for a coherent comparison of outcomes with the passage of time. Through the development of such analyses, the research seeks to produce some suggestions on policy-making. Therefore, overall analysis was made of the present reemployment training, including the analysis of the present vocational training (its performance by type, the performance of promoting vocational education project, etc), the comparative analysis of the characteristics of participants in the reemployment training and the analysis of management outcome (completion of training, employment, acquisition of certification, etc). The resources used in this research are the annual report on the employment insurance statistics, the trend of employment insurance, the Ministry of Labor data (monthly analysis of the implementation of vocational training for the unemployed) and the original data of employment insurance DB (reemployment training DB). Meanwhile, the research subjects were the unemployed, with job experiences in employment insurance applied work places, who participated in the reemployment training from Jan. 1, 2000 to Dec. 31, 2000 and completed the training by Mar. 31, 2001. In this case, reemployment is defined as those who found jobs in employment insurance applied work places by June 30,2001(90 days after finishing training) after completing training. The reason for limiting the reemployment period to June 30, 2001 is to compare the result with the 1998 and 1999 outcomes. In addition, logit model was used to analyze the influence of reemployment training on a participants actual reemployment. ...
Table Of Contents
연구요약 Ⅰ. 서론 1 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1 2. 연구내용, 자료 및 연구방법 2 Ⅱ. 2000년 실업대책 직업훈련 개관 5 1. 실업대책 직업훈련 현황 5 2. 실업자재취직훈련 현황 9 Ⅲ. 2000년 실업자재취직훈련 성과 분석 17 1. 훈련유형별 재취업률 17 2. 개인특성별 재취업률 24 3. 훈련종료 월별 재취업률 26 4. 기간별 재취업률 28 5. 직종별 재취업률 36 6. 지역별 재취업률 40 Ⅳ. 노동이동, 임금 및 재취업 결정요인 분석 45 1. 노동이동 45 2. 임금비교 54 3. 실업자재취직훈련의 재취업 결정요인 분석 56 Ⅴ. 정책적 함의 59 참고문헌 63 Abstract 65