2022 East and Southeast Asia UNEVOC Network Consolidation Workshops: Beyond New Normal, Towards the Transition: TVET for Resilience

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This workshop will enable us to discuss vocational education and training innovation, solutions to the mismatch between the labor market and individual capability, measures to revitalize lifelong education, and Green TVET to develop the ability to respond flexibly to the age of the Great Transition.
As the UNESCO-UNEVOC cluster coordinating center, KRIVET will carry out its duty faithfully as a platform to share Korea’s knowledge and practices through active cooperation with the UNEVOC East and Southeast Asia member centers. Although this year’s workshop will also be held online following last year, I hope we can find innovative ways to build an international network through this workshop.
Table Of Contents
Foreword ············ 4
1. Recent Trends in the Development of Vocational Education and Training in the Context of Sustainable Development and Scenarios for Cooperation among the Members of the UNEVOC Network - with Special Attention to the Involvement of the Business Sector ··················· 7
〈Dr. Harry Stolte〉
2. The Institutional Changes on Digital Reform for the Quality TVET ························ 27
〈Wu Jianxiao, Kangchunxiao and Huang Chunlin〉
3. The Use of Innovative Technologies in TVET ······················ 45
〈Paryono Paryono and Hartini Mashod〉
4. Can Skills Framework Bridge TVET to Frontier Competencies? ······················· 63
〈Anderson Tan and Goh Hin Lan〉
5. Linkage of School Education and TVET Sector Using Vocational Classroom ······· 81
〈Rangsan Thepmondhri〉
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
KRIVET. (2022-12-31). 2022 East and Southeast Asia UNEVOC Network Consolidation Workshops: Beyond New Normal, Towards the Transition: TVET for Resilience.
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연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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