기술혁신 및 산업구조 변화와 학교 직업교육의 대응
- Alternative Title
- Responding to Technological Innovation and Industrial Structural Changes in School Vocational Education
- Author(s)
- 최동선; 류지은; 이상훈; 오혁제
- Publication Year
- 2023-10-31
- Created
- 2024-01-10
- Keyword
- 산업구조 변화; 기술변화; 직업교육; 전문대학
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/6966
- Abstract
- Recent discussions on megatrends surrounding the industrial structure commonly point to the development of technology due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution as a major trend. In addition to new technologies including nano, bio, and 3D printings, the core technologies of digital transformation such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud, and big data are affecting the entire industry and causing changes in the industrial structure itself, leading to changes in the social and economic structure. However, technological innovation has been discussed in the past as having a negative impact on employment. However, there seems to be a wide range of views on the simplistic assumption that technological innovations such as digital transformation will threaten technical and functional jobs. Taken together, these discussions suggest that the relationship between industrial structure change and vocational education need not be viewed in a monolithic and pessimistic manner, but on the other hand, proactive responses to technological change should also be addressed in vocational education. If our vocational education policies have considered changes in industrial structure at an overview level, it is necessary to take a mid- to long-term view that technological innovation is one of the key drivers of overall changes in industrial structure, and a multilayered response is needed in vocational education.
Accordingly, this study was conducted with the purpose of selecting industries and technologies that require intensive exploration from the perspective of vocational schools and colleges, and exploring the changes in industrial structure and the responses of school vocational education institutions in these areas. Specifically, the research consisted of (1) analyzing trends in industrial structure change and reorganization of school vocational education, (2) selecting industrial and technological sectors to be analyzed and constructing a framework for analysis, (3) conducting and analyzing FGIs and surveys to analyze school vocational education responses to new industries and new technologies, and (4) proposing policy issues. The research methods included literature analysis, in-depth interviews with school officials, industry officials, and graduates, and a survey to analyze the actual response of vocational education institutions to industrial structure and technological innovation.
- Table Of Contents
- 요 약
제1장 서론_1
제1절 연구 필요성 및 목적 3
제2절 연구 내용 6
제3절 연구 추진방법 8
제2장 산업구조 변화와 학교 직업교육 변화 추이_17
제1절 산업구조 변화와 학교 직업교육 대응의 이론적 논의 19
제2절 산업구조 변화와 학교 직업교육 대응 관련 정책 동향 57
제3절 종합 및 시사점 111
제3장 학교 직업교육의 산업구조 변화 대응방식 탐색_115
제1절 분석 대상 분야의 선정 117
제2절 직업계고 및 전문대학의 대응방식 139
제3절 산업구조 및 기술혁신에 대한 직업교육기관 대응 실태 194
제4절 종합 및 시사점 232
제4장 정책과제 제안_239
제1절 산업구조 및 기술변화에의 직업교육기관 대응성 강화 241
제2절 기술환경 변화를 포함한 산업수요에 민감성 제고 기반 마련 247
제3절 유연성 있는 교육과정 운영 및 충실한 기반 조성 250
부 록_279
<부록 1> 산업구조 및 기술혁신에 대한 직업교육기관 대응 실태분석 설문조사 질문지 281
<부록 2-1> 심층면담 질문지: 직업교육기관 관계자 288
<부록 2-2> 심층면담 질문지: 산업계 관계자 290
<부록 2-3> 심층면담 질문지: 졸업생 292
- Publisher
- 한국직업능력연구원
- Citation
- 최동선. (2023-10-31). 기술혁신 및 산업구조 변화와 학교 직업교육의 대응.
- Type
- Research Report
Appears in Collections:
- 연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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