근로시간단축에 따른 평생직업교육훈련의 확대 방안

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A scheme for improving life-long vocational and educational training with reduction of working hours
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본 연구는 향후 시행될 것으로 예상되는 근로시간단축으로 인한 주5일제의 도입을 염두에 두고, 평생직업교육훈련기관의 야간 및 주말교육훈련의 실태 그리고 근로시간단축에 부응하는 교육훈련 프로그램의 제공 의향과 능력, 근로시간단축시 근로자들의 직업교육훈련에 대한 요구조사 등을 통해, 근로시간단축에 따른 평생직업교육훈련의 확대 방안을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 여가시간을 활용한 평생교육훈련 확대의 기본 원칙을 먼저 정립하고, 이에 기초하여 능력개발의 이해관계자인 정부, 사용자, 노조와 근로자, 평생교육훈련기관에서 추진해야 할 역할을 모색하고자 한다.
Through the stages of economic development, there have been unceasing efforts for reducing the working hours along with encouraging the industries and increasing the income level. Reducing working hours had mainly targeted to secure workers' safety and welfare in the early stage of industrialization, but today it entails for workers to ensure the quality of life and take full advantage of their leisure time as productivity
and industrial structure become highly advanced.
On October 23 2000, the Korean Tripartite Committee (KTC) comprised of representatives from labor, management and government sectors fundamentally compromised on reduction of the legal working hours from the current 44 per week to 40, and the government is set to submit its own bill on five-day workweek system to the National Assembly in February next year. When it comes to the implementation of reduction in working hours including five-day workweek system, however, there have been little studies that systematically analyze how to take full advantage of extra time in terms of life-long vocational and educational training.
This research is focused on the five-day workweek system, which will be executive in the near future, and aims to provide policy suggestions for expansion of life-long vocational and educational training with the reduction in working hours by exploring the current situations of night and weekend educational training at the institutes for life-long vocational and educational training, capacity and willingness to provide the educational training programs that correspond to the reduction in working hours, and survey on needs and potentials of workers on the vocational and educational training with upcoming work-hour reduction .
Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구방법 2
II . 근로시간단축과 직업능력개발 5
1. 일, 여가, 능력개발의 선택이론 5
2 . 근로시간단축의 배경 11
3. 근로시간단축의 과정 13
4. 근로시간단축의 국제비교 16
5. 근로시간단축의 사회경제적 효과 27
6. 근로시간 단축의 능력개발 효과 37
Ⅲ . 근로시간단축과 평생직업교육훈련 실태 및 수요 43
1. 조사 개요 43
2. 평생교육훈련기관 실태조사 45
3. 근로자 요구조사 74
4. 실태조사 요약 및 시사점 95
Ⅳ . 근로시간 단축을 통한 평생직업교육훈련 확대 방안 101
1. 평생교육훈련 확대의 기본방향 101
2 . 노·사·정 및 평생직업교육훈련기관의 역할 103
Ⅴ . 결론 107
참고문헌 111
〔부록1〕설문지(평생교육훈련기관용) 123
〔부록2〕설문지(근로자용) 133
이의규. (2001-12-30). 근로시간단축에 따른 평생직업교육훈련의 확대 방안.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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