우편매체를 이용한 통신훈련의 문제점과 발전방안
- Alternative Title
- A Scheme to Promote Correspondence Training
- Author(s)
- 오영훈; 손유미
- Publication Year
- 2001-05-31
- Created
- 2001-05-31
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/709
- Abstract
- This study is to find a comprehensive improvement plan for correspondence training by analyzing its current operating situation, its problems, and diverse demands for it. First, the study described the theoretical background of the correspondence training and analyzed cases in advanced countries. The study examined related laws and analyzed training job data on the HRD net. A survey of 455 employees was conducted by KRIVET in March - April 2001. Data on each individual were gathered through interviews. Problems and issues arising from the research are as follows:
The biggest problem in the current operating system of correspondence training is that it is possible to practice the program without training institutions. This is due to the absence of the grounded rules that regulate document submissions about training institutions when applying for the designation of training courses. This causes a great number of small training institutions to be established, which results in disorder. Furthermore, the designation of correspondence training courses, the inspection of teaching in training institutes, and the evaluation of training institutions are hindered because the related rules fail to reflect the characteristics of the program. Accordingly, correspondence training becomes totally individual-oriented, which causes the difficulty in measuring the training process and outcomes.
According to the results of the survey, the major determinants of the satisfaction of the learners are the contents, the appropriateness of the evaluation, the educational management in training institutions, and the feedback. The majority of the respondents of the survey admits the need for off-the job training along with correspondence training. About 40% of respondents answered that off-the job training of some form should be required along with correspondence training. Feedback is considered as an important tool for evaluating the level of achievement and leading to the study goal. However, less than half of the learners actually receives feedback once a month on average. The reason for failing to receive feedback lies not in the individuals but in the management deficiency of the training institutions. The fact that the feedback does not solve any specific problems but stops at being only a formality is also a factor for the dissatisfaction of the learners.
The nature of correspondence training program is that student enrollment cannot be determined only by the number of the teachers or the capacity of an institution. Because of this, if the standard for the size of student enrollment is not definite, there is a possibility of deficiency in learning due to the excess of learners. In fact, the number of learners per teacher in one training course is shown to be more than 280 on average every month. As shown in the questionnaires, the shortage of faculty is an important factor in learners' dissatisfaction with the management of the training program and with the faculty in charge. This shortage of faculty can lead to the deficiency of correspondence training itself.
- Table Of Contents
- 연구요약
Ⅰ . 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 내용 3
3. 연구의 방법 3
Ⅱ . 우편 통신훈련의 이론적 배경 7
1. 우편통신훈련의 개념 및 발달 7
2. 우편통신훈련의 필요성 10
3. 우편통신훈련의 특성 11
4. 선행연구 개요 13
5. 외국의 사례와 시사점 17
Ⅲ . 우편통신훈련의 운영실태와 문제점 22
1. 우편통신훈련제도 현황 22
2. 우편통신훈련 운영 실태 25
3. 우편통신훈련 운영상의 문제점과 시사점 34
Ⅳ . 설문조사 결과 분석 36
1. 조사 대상자의 일반적 특성 36
2. 통신훈련 참여동기 38
3. 우편통신 훈련 운영실태 39
4. 우편통신훈련 수강시 애로점 42
5. 학습기간 및 학습량의 적절성 43
6. 첨삭지도 실태 44
7. 우편통신훈련의 만족도 47
8. 집합교육의 필요성 54
9. 우편통신훈련의 활용실태 56
10. 현재 우편통신훈련 수강 여부 59
11. 향후 통신훈련의 운영 방법 62
12. 시사점 66
Ⅴ . 우편통신훈련 발전방안 68
1. 요약 및 문제점 68
2. 개선방안 72
3. 제언 76
참고문헌 78
[부록 1] 설문지 86
[부록 2] 통신훈련지침 95
[부록 3] 우편통신훈련 학사관리 시스템 사례 114
- Publisher
- 한국직업능력개발원
- Citation
- 오영훈. (2001-05-31). 우편매체를 이용한 통신훈련의 문제점과 발전방안.
- Type
- Research Report
Appears in Collections:
- 연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)
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