This report was carried out to investigate current status of education and training and qualification system in IT(Information Technology) field. The study aims to analyze qualification utility status of qualification holders, to investigate satisfaction of employers to certificate holders, and to present of development plan for education and training and qualification system in IT field. The Major contents of this study were as follows: First, the tendency toward supply-demand of IT workers was analyzed through IT industry status and supply of IT workers from formal and informal education. Second, Supply status of IT workers was analyzed to reviewed related documents and prior studies. Third, Utilization of IT qualifications and improvement needs were analyzed into industry utilization of IT qualification. And satisfaction degree of certificate holders related to qualification were analyzed. On the basis of analysis results, The report shows improvement strategies for education, training and qualification on IT. Major finding were as following: ...
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 21 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 21 2. 연구방법 22 3. 연구의 범위 26 II. IT 인력 수급 동향 29 1. 국내외 IT 시장 및 산업 동향 29 2. 정규교육기관의 IT 인력 공급 현황 34 3. 비정규교육훈련기관의 IT 인력 공급 현황 58 4. IT 인력수급 동향 63 5. IT 인력 공급 실태 분석 67 Ⅲ. 국내외 IT 자격제도의 운영 현황 71 1. 우리 나라의 실태 71 2. 외국의 사례 107 Ⅳ. IT 자격의 활용도 및 운영개선 요구 121 1. 산업체의 IT 자격 활용도 분석 121 2. 자격취득자의 IT 자격 만족도 및 활용도 분석 132 3. 자격제도 운영개선 요구분석 146 Ⅴ. 결 론 149 1. IT 교육훈련의 개선 방안 149 2. IT 자격제도의 개선 방안 150 참고문헌 157 부 록 159