주요선진국의 대 아시아 노동·직업능력개발 국제협력사업 현황과 한국 정부정책에의 시사점

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Current Status of International Cooperation Projects by some major APEC advanced States and their Implications for korean Polocies in the same fields
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With the emergence of globalization in the 21st Century, economic activities became borderless, and the consumer-oriented economy has led to the truly unlimited competitiveness among the businesses. The role of the multinational corporations gains more significance, and the international investment has become active in the diverse economic regions. Consequently, the international circumstances have changed: the necessity of international coordination has become more impending, while the international, multidimensional economy has been established. As for the international economic policy in particular, the significance of multilateral cooperation became greater, and such trend of globalization will be gradually extending in the future.
There will be great changes in the economic rules in the new digital economy of the 21st century. The digital economy is a knowledge-based economy, where the role of tangible assets like capital and labor deteriorates and an individual's creativity-based knowledge will be a key factor in the value-added production. The principle of resource scarcity which has been the premise of modern economics would vanish, seen in terms of knowledge and information, and the law of diminishing returns will be replaced by that of increasing returns where preoccupation of markets does matter. The economy of scale will be transferred to the economy of scope and linkage as well as to the non-friction economics. The deterioration of spatial concept and the promotion of economic globalization will establish the real-time economy where there is no time and spatial gap. Moreover, the formation of cyber economy through the network is one of the main characteristics in this era, and the rapid technological advancement intensified the economic uncertainty. A new phenomenon of inequity, called the digital divide, has been indicated as another problem along with the process of economic complexity and decentralization.
As China and other countries are growing economically powerful in the recent years, Korea has faced a great change in the circumstances of trade. These circumstances might challenge the current status of Korea in the international economy, and eventually result in a serious threat to the Korean economy. While there are some views that these challenges may provide new opportunities to Korean economy since China and other power countries has unstable systems internally, the growth of China should be regarded as threatening factor rather than opportunities to us due to the fact that the Chinese economy has been led by multinational corporations and that China would be still an attractive investment target to them as long as the political stability sustains.
With these changes of the international environment, the necessity of investing Korean domestic capital to the Asian developing countries is becoming significant. Especially, support for the Human Resources Development(HRD) towards the Asian developing countries are of necessity, the purpose of which should be seen in line with the extension of Korean export markets eventually. The policy of investment for the informatization in linkage with the support for the HRD will be timely, and the mutual cooperation among the countries within the region is of significance.
Table Of Contents
I. 연구의 목적 및 주요 연구 내용 1
II. 21C 국제 환경 변화 3
1. 세계화의 진전 3
2. 디지털 경제시대의 도래 6
3. 중국 경제의 부상 12
III. 노동·직업능력개발 분야 대 아시아 국제협력사업의 중요성 15
IV. APEC 주요 선진 4개국의 대 아시아 노동·직업능력개발 국제협력사업 현황 및 실태분석 21
1. 일본 21
2. 호주 40
3. 캐나다 49
4. 미국 58
V. 주요선진국 국제협력사업의 한국 정부정책에의 시사점 63
참고문헌 69
Abstract 75
이정택. (2001-11-30). 주요선진국의 대 아시아 노동·직업능력개발 국제협력사업 현황과 한국 정부정책에의 시사점.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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