4년제 대졸자 중 융자로 학비를 조달한 비율은 고소득층 4.6%, 중간소득층 8.1%, 저소득층 14.3%로 가구소득이 낮아질수록 융자 의존 비율이 급격히 증가
학비를 부모 등에 의존한 경우 토익 점수는 773.0점, 융자에 의존한 경우 754.0점으로 융자를 받은 집단의 평균 점수가 2.46%(점수로는 19점) 낮음.
융자로 학비 조달 시 부모에게 학비를 의존한 경우에 비해 월평균소득이 8%(15.9만 원) 낮음. Among four-year university graduates, the proportion of those who paid their tuition with student loan varies among different income group: the lower the family income, the higher the dependency on student loan, as indicated by the figures, with 4.6% for the high income group, 8.1% for the middle income group, and 14.3% for the low income group.
Students who were dependent on parents scored 773.0 on TOEIC, while those who took out a loan scored 754.0 which is 2.46% (or 19 points in test score) lower.
Average monthly income of those who paid their tuition with a student loan is 8% (159,000 Korean Won) lower than that of those who were dependent on their parents.