대졸 하향취업의 고착화 현상과 노동시장 효과

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The persistence of downgrade in employment among college graduates and the labor market effect
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대학 졸업 후 첫 직장에 하향취업한 이들의 경우 10명 중 적어도 6명은 다른 직장으로 이동을 하더라도 하향취업 상태를 벗어나지 못하는 함정에 빠짐. 특히 고착화 비중은 최근 대졸자일수록 커지고 있음.

지방대학 출신자의 하향취업 비중은 수도권대학보다 4.4%p 높음. 또한 하향취업 고착화 정도도 거의 2배 가량 높은데, 수도권대학 출신자는 10명 중 4명이, 지방대학 출신자는 10명 중 8명이 다른 직장으로 이동하더라도 하향취업 상태를 벗어나지 못하는 함정에 빠짐.

적정취업자와 비교할 시 하향취업자의 임금은 69.3% 수준에 불과하고, 비정규직 비중은 2.5배나 높으며, 전공-직무 불일치 비중도 71.3%로 2.5배 가량 높음.
About 6 out of 10 college graduates who experience a downgrade in employment when entering the labor market are unable to break away from the trap of downgraded employment and this propensity to become 'immobile' is growing among college graduates.

The incidence of a downgrade in employment among graduates of universities in non-metropolitan areas is 4.4%p higher compared with graduates from universities in metropolitan areas. Also, non-metropolitan universities are twice more likely to become immobile or locked in the downgraded job, as 8 out of 10 of them are unable to break away from such employment even after moving to another job, as compared with 4 out of 10 graduates of universities in metropolitan regions.

Compared to those who found 'optimum' employment, the graduates in downgraded employment receive wages only about 69.3% of those earned by people in optimum employment; they are also 2.5 times more likely to be in non-regular employment; and they are about 2.5 times higher in the rate of mismatch between academic major and job at 71.3%.
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연속간행물 > I. KRIVET Issue Brief (2012~현재)
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