교육 수준이 높을수록 삶에 대해 만족하는 비율이 높아짐. 중졸 이하 40.2%, 고졸 50.8%, 대졸 이상 60.5%
고졸-대졸 이상 학력 간 삶에 대한 만족 비율은 노동시장 진입 초기에는 큰 차이가 없으나 장년층(45-54세)에서는 17.5%p로 격차가 크게 벌어짐.
소득이 높아질수록 삶에 대한 만족 비율도 높아지나, 월평균 소득 500만원 이상의 고소득일수록 학력 간 격차는 더 커짐. 대졸은 71.1%인 반면 고졸은 57.6%, 중졸 이하는 50.9%에 그침. It is found that the higher the education level achieved by individuals, the higher the likelihood of being satisfied with life: 40.2% among those with less than middle school education; 50.8% for those with high school education; and 60.5% for those with a college education or higher.
In the early stage of entry into the labor market, those with high school education and those with a college education or higher show no significant difference in the proportion of people expressing their satisfaction with life, but the gap widens to 17.5%p among the elderly aged between 45 and 54.
Generally, more people are satisfied with life as their income grows, but the share of 'satisfied' people diverges depending on the educational attainment level among the people in the high-income group earning an average monthly income of more than 5 million Korean won. 71.1% of those with college education indicated there are satisfied with life, as compared to 57.6% of those with high school education and just 50.9% for those with middle school or less education.