2012년에 대학생 중 26.3%, 전문대생은 33.2%가 취업 상태에 있음. 대학생의 경우 2000년에 23.1%에서 2012년 26.3%로, 전문대생은 29.1%에서 33.2%로 증가
지난 10여 년간 주당 평균근로시간은 전반적으로 감소
취업 비중이 높은 산업은 숙박 및 음식점업과 도매 및 소매업 등, 직종별로는 서비스, 판매, 단순노무 종사자 등임.
지난 10여 년간 대학 및 전문대생의 시간당 임금은 30대 임금근로자의 50%를 하회 26.3% of students in universities and 33.2% of students in junior colleges were in employment in 2012; the respective rates for the year 2000 were 23.1% and 29.1%, both edging up to the 2012 levels.
There has been an overall decline in the average weekly working hours over the past 10 years.
The industries with a high proportion of student employment were the accommodation and food industry, and the wholesale and retail industry, while the occupations with a high proportion of student employment included services, sales, and simple labor.
Over the past 10 years, the hourly wage of college students has remained less than 50% of the hourly wage earned by those in their 30s.