4년제 대학 이공계 학과별 노동시장 성과 분석

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Analysis on labor market outcomes of natural science and engineering majors in 4-year universities
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전공 대분류별로 보면, 공학계열(취업률 81.4%, 월평균 임금 225.3만 원)은 의약계열 다음으로 노동시장 성과가 좋지만, 자연계열은 공학계열에 비해 취업률과 임금이 크게 낮음(73.8%, 179.4만 원).

이공계 학과별로는 기계, 전기전자 분야가 취업 성과가 좋고, 자연계열은 전공 불문 공학계열에 비해 취업 상황이 좋지 못함. 공학계열 중에서는 건축, 토목, 자연계열 중에서는 특히 생물학 분야가 취약

2008년에 비해 2011년의 취업률이 더 높은 편이지만 취업의 질(정규직, 괜찮은 일자리 취업, 하향취업 비율)은 오히려 악화되어 노동시장의 공정성 확보와 양질의 일자리 창출을 위한 정책적 노력이 시급

자연계열의 취업 성과가 낮은 것은 이 분야의 국가경쟁력이 상대적으로 취약한 것과 더불어 인력의 공급 과잉에도 기인하므로 자연계열에 대한 재정지원 확대와 함께 적정 수준의 구조조정이 필요
The labor market outcomes of the graduates with engineering majors (81.4% employment rate and average monthly wage of 2.253 million won) were second most favorable after those with medical majors, but the students with natural science majors (73.8%, 1.794 million won) were much lower in employment rate and wage compared to those with engineering majors.

Among engineering majors, mechanical engineering, and electronics and electrical engineering majors performed well in terms of employment, while employment outcomes were poor across all majors in natural sciences compared to their engineering counterparts; particularly weak in employment performances were construction and civil engineering majors in the engineering field, and biology major in natural sciences.

The employment rate was higher in 2011 compared to that of 2008, but the quality of employment (ratios of permanent jobs, decent jobs and downgraded employment) have deteriorated, giving rise to the need for policy efforts towards realizing fairness in the labor market and creating quality jobs.

The poor employment outcomes among graduates of natural sciences are attributed to the relatively low level of national competitiveness of the field and over-supply of manpower, making it important to increase financial assistance for natural sciences, and to carry out a reasonable level of restructuring.
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연속간행물 > I. KRIVET Issue Brief (2012~현재)
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