국내 신규 박사학위 취득자의 특징

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Characteristics of Recent Doctoral Degree Holders in Korea
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국내 신규 박사학위 취득자는 남성이 65.4%, 30대가 49.4%, 직장병행자가 53.0%, 이공?의약 계열이 58.0%로 나타남.

학업전념자의 비율은 자연(71.5%), 공학(64.2%) 계열이 높으며, 직장병행자 비율은 의약(72.2%), 교육(72.1%), 사회(72.0%), 예체능(63.6%) 계열 순으로 높게 나타나 계열 간 차이가 큼.

국내 신규 박사학위 취득자의 학위 취득 당시 연령은 평균 40.9세로 매우 고령화되어 있으며, 학위 취득 소요기간은 평균 5년 1개월로 나타남.

박사학위 취득자의 학위취득 소요기간은 의약계열이 4년 1개월로 가장 짧고, 인문계열이 6년 4개월로 가장 길게 나타남.

국내 대학원의 경쟁력 제고를 위해서는 학업에 전념할 수 있는 학습 환경을 조성하고 학위의 질 관리 방안을 마련하며, 신진 연구 인력을 양성할 수 있는 재정지원이 요구됨.
Research shows that males make up 65.4% of Korea's recent doctoral degree holders, while people in their 30s make up 49.4%, people doing study and work simultaneously account for 53.0%, and people majoring in science/technology/medicine, 58.0%.

Natural sciences (71.5%) and engineering (64.2%) are majors with a high percentage of full-time students. There are significant differences between majors in terms of the percentage of people who study and work at the same time: medicine (72.2%), education (72.1%), sociology (72.0%), and arts/sports (63.6%).

The results show that the average degree acquisition age of Korea's recent doctoral degree holders is 40.9 years old, indicating that degree holders are generally older, while the average time that it takes for a person to acquire a doctoral degree is five years and one month.

The average degree acquisition time is the shortest in medicine at four years and one month, and is the longest in the humanities at six years and four months. In order to enhance the competitiveness of Korea's graduate schools, it is necessary to come up with measures for managing the quality of degrees and creating a learning environment where students can devote themselves to their studies, as well as to provide financial support that makes it possible to foster rising research manpower.
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연속간행물 > I. KRIVET Issue Brief (2012~현재)
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