4년제 대졸과 전문대졸의 초기 노동시장 성과 비교

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Comparison of Initial Labor Market Performances of Four-Year College Graduates and Two-Year College Graduates
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전문대졸의 취업률은 85.9%, 월평균 소득은 202만 원으로 4년제 지방대졸의 취업률(82.9%)과 소득수준(196만 7천 원)보다 높음.

성별 취업률을 살펴보면, 남자는 4년제 대졸(85.7%)보다도 전문대졸의 취업률(90.1%)이 높고, 여자는 4년제 지방대졸(80.9%)보다 전문대졸(82.3%)이 높음.

성별 소득수준은 남녀 모두 전문대졸의 소득수준(남자: 233만 8천 원, 여자: 171만 7천 원)이 4년제 지방대졸(남자: 220만 8천 원, 여자: 168만 8천 원)보다 높음.

인문, 사회, 자연계열에 진학할 경우, 4년제 지방대학보다 전문대학에 입학하여 2년 먼저 노동시장에 진입하는 것이 취업에 더 유리함.
The employment rate of two-year college graduates is 85.9% and their average monthly wage is 2.02 million won, both of which are comparatively higher than the employment rate (82.9%) and the average monthly wage (1.967 million won) of four-year college graduates.

With respect to employment rates by gender, the employment rate of male two-year college graduates (90.1%) is higher than that of male four-year college graduates (85.7%), and the employment rate of female two-year college graduates (82.3%) is higher than that of female four-year college graduates (80.9%).

With respect to income levels by gender, the income levels of both male and female two-year college graduates (males, 2.338 million won and females, 1.717 million won) are higher than those of their four-year college graduate counterparts (males, 2.208 million won and females, 1.688 million won).

In the case of majoring in Humanities, Sociology, or Natural Sciences, it is more advantageous in finding employment to attend a two-year college and enter the labor market two years early than it is to attend a provincial four-year college.
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연속간행물 > I. KRIVET Issue Brief (2012~현재)
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