고졸 신입직원 중 첫 직장을 비정규직으로 시작하는 비율은 39.9%이고, 남자(48.9%)가 여자(33.6%)에 비해 높게 나타남.
병역 등의 장애요인이 해결된 이후에는 남자가 비정규직에서 정규직으로 이동하는 비율은 32.2%로 여자(24.5%)보다 높음.
일반계고 졸업자는 현재 직무에서의 학력 과잉이 27.3%, 기술.능력 과잉이 29.0%로 특성화고 출신(각각 18.1%, 22.7%)에 비해 높음.
고졸 신입직원들이 후진학에 참여한 비율은 16.2%이며, 후진학 참여 시 직장으로부터 비용을 지원받는 경우는 6.6%, 학위취득이 임금.승진에 도움이 되는 비율은 31.3%에 그침. Among high school-educated new recruits, 39.9% start their first job as non-regular employees. By gender, the rate is higher for male graduates (48.9%) than female graduates (33.6%).
Once such obstacles as military duty are resolved, 32.2% of males move from non-regular employment to regular employment, which is higher than females with 24.5%.
Of the new recruits who graduated from general high schools, 27.3% were over-educated and 29.0% were over-skilled given their current job, whereas the respective figures were lower at 18.1% and 22.7% in the case of people who graduated from specialized vocational high schools.
16.2% of the high school-educated recruits participated in the Employment First-University Later program, and only 6.6% received financial support from their employers for participating in the program. Meanwhile, only 31.1% experienced earning a degree contributed to a pay rise or promotion.