고학력 여성의 취업과 기업의 인력수요 미스매치
- Alternative Title
- Employment of Highly Educated Women and Mismatch of Manpower Demand in Companies
- Author(s)
- 반가운
- Publication Year
- 2014-07-15
- Created
- 2014-07-15
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/7386
- Abstract
- 고학력 여성이 주로 취업하는 일자리는 교육서비스업 전문가(26.4%), 보건업 및 사회복지서비스업 전문가(10.3%), 금융 및 보험업 사무 종사자(6.3%), 도매 및 소매업 사무 종사자(4.2%), 전문, 과학 및 기술 서비스업 사무 종사자(3.8%)임.
기업이 인력 부족을 호소하는 상위 5가지 일자리는 운수업 서비스 종사자(14.4%), 제조업의 장치, 기계조작 및 조립 종사자(9.0%), 운수업의 장치, 기계조작 및 조립 종사자(8.3%), 제조업의 기능원 및 관련기능 종사자(7.2%), 제조업의 단순노무 종사자(6.9%)임.
기업이 인력 부족을 호소하는 상위 5가지 일자리에 종사하는 여성은 전체 여성 근로자의 10.5%이나, 남자는 18.1%로 여성의 취업 기회가 더 적은 편임.
학력별로 인력이 부족한 상위 5가지 일자리의 여성 취업 비율을 살펴보면, 고졸 이하가 16.5%, 전문대졸 3.4%, 대졸 이상은 1.0%로 고학력 여성일수록 기업의 인력수요와 무관한 취업패턴을 보임.
Highly educated females are mostly employed as education services specialists (26.4%), followed by healthcare services and social services specialists (10.3%), workers in the finance and insurance sector (6.3%), workers in the wholesale and retail sector (4.2%), and as workers in the specialized, science and technical services sector (3.8%).
The top five jobs for which there is a manpower shortage are transportation services workers (14.4%), equipment and machine operators as well as assemblers in the manufacturing sector (9.0%), equipment and machine operators as well as assemblers in the transportation sector (8.3%), technicians and workers for other related technical duties in the manufacturing sector (7.2%), and manual workers in the manufacturing sector (6.9%).
10.5% of all female workers work in those top five jobs experience a manpower shortage, but the respective figure for male workers is 18.1%, indicating that there are fewer employment opportunities for females.
Looking at the female employment rates in the top five ‘manpower shortage’ jobs by education level, females with a high school level of education or lower is 16.5%, those with a two-year college education is 3.4%, and those with a four-year college education or higher is 1.0%. The figures indicate that the employment patterns of highly educated women are unrelated to companies’ manpower demand.
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