대졸자의 17.9%가 졸업을 유예한 경험이 있으며, 남자(20.8%)가 여자(14.0%)보다 졸업유예율이 높음.
상위 10개 대학의 졸업유예율은 31.0%로 11위 이하 대학(15.9%)보다 높고, 전공계열별로는 공학계열(22.2%)이 가장 높게 나타남.
부모의 소득수준과 졸업유예율 간에는 U자형의 관계가 있어, 부모의 소득이 높을수록 그리고 빈곤층 자녀일수록 졸업유예율이 높음.
졸업유예자의 토익 점수는 789점으로 일반졸업자(754점)보다 35점이 더 높고, 인턴 경험 비율도 졸업유예자(17.5%)가 일반졸업자(13.8%)보다 높음.
졸업유예자의 선망직장 고용률은 31.3%, 월평균임금은 221만 원으로 일반졸업자보다 각각 5.9%p와 26만 원이 더 높고, 비정규직 비율은 27.7%로 5.7%p 더 낮아 졸업유예자의 취업의 질이 더 우수함. 17.9% of college graduates have experience of postponing their graduation, and a higher percentage of males (20.8%) delayed graduation than females (14.0%).
The ratio of graduation postponement was 31.0% for the top 10 colleges, which is higher than 15.9% for colleges ranked 11 or lower. In terms of academic majors, engineering fields had the highest postponement rate (22.2%).
A U-shaped relationship is observed between parents' income and graduation postponement rate. The graduation postponement rate tends to rise among students of high-income parents, as well as among students of the poor.
The average TOEIC score of those who postponed their graduation is 789 points, 35 points higher than that of general graduates (754 points). In addition, the internship experience rate of those who delayed graduation (17.5%) is also higher than that of general graduates (13.8%).
The rate of being employed in desired organization is 31.3% for graduates with delayed graduation and their average monthly wage is 2.21 million won. These figures are both higher than those of general graduates, by 5.9%p and 260,000 won, respectively. The ratio of irregular workers among those who delayed their graduation is 27.7%, which is 5.7%p lower than that of general graduates. The figures indicate that the employment quality of those who delayed their graduation is better.