4년제 공학계열 졸업생의 지방 취업 비율은 40.3%로 전체 평균(40.7%)보다 낮으나, 수도권 대학(17.0%)에서는 여타 전공에 비해 높음.
1~10위권 명문대졸 공학계열 취업자의 지방 근무 비율은 18.3%로 여타 전공 중 가장 높음.
남자의 경우 공학계열 지방 취업자의 월평균임금은 237만 7천 원으로 수도권에 취업한 자연계열(233만원), 인문계열(233만 원), 교육계열(229만 4천 원), 예체능계열(197만 6천 원)보다 높음.
1~10위권 명문대졸 취업자의 직장만족도는 수도권 취업 시 70.5%, 지방 취업 시 77.6%로 지방 취업자가 7.1%P 더 높음. The employment rate in provincial areas is 40.3% for graduates of four-year engineering schools, which is lower than the overall average (40.7%) but higher than other major graduates (17.0%) of universities in the capital area.
Among engineering graduates working in provincial areas, 18.3% graduated from the top 10 most prestigious universities, which is the highest among all majors.
The average monthly wage of male engineering graduates working in provincial areas is 2.377 million won, which is higher than that earned by those with natural science majors (2.33 million won), humanities majors (2.33 million won), education majors (2.294 million won), and with arts/sports majors (1.976 million won).
Looking at the level of job satisfaction of workers who graduated from the top 10 most prestigious universities, 70.5% of capital area workers indicated they are satisfied with their jobs as compared with 77.6% for provincial area workers, meaning the job satisfaction level of provincial area workers is 7.1%p higher.