취업 시 외국어 능력이 중요한 일자리의 월평균 임금은 268만 원, 중요하지 않은 일자리는 208만 4천원으로 60만 원 정도 차이가 남.
취업 시 외국어를 중시하는 일자리와 중시하지 않는 일자리간 임금 격차는 대학 서열이 낮을수록 확대되어 1.13배(1~10위) → 1.17배(11~20위) → 1.20배(21위~30위) → 1.23배(31~40위) → 1.24배(41위 이하)임.
4년제 대졸자 정규직 근로자 중 현 일자리 취업에 인성이 중요했다고 응답한 비율은 62.7%이며, 전공(55.8%), 학력(52.8%), 외국어 능력(35.1%), 학벌(33.9%) 순으로 나타남.
취업 시 외국어를 중시하는 직장에서는 토익 점수가 높은 사람을 뽑고, 업무에서도 외국어 활용도가 높아 채용도구로서 외국어 능력이 어느 정도 타당하게 활용되는 것으로 보임. The average monthly wage for jobs where foreign language skills are important for employment is 2.68 million won, and that for jobs where foreign language skills are not important for employment is 2.084 million won or a difference of about 600,000 won.
The wage gap between jobs where foreign language skills are important for employment and jobs where they do not tend to widen as the rankings of colleges graduated by workers decline. As a result, the wage gap is 1.13 times for top 10 colleges, 1.17 times for those ranked 11-20,1.20 times for those ranked 21-30,1.23 times for those ranked 31-40, and 1.24 times for those ranked 41 or below.
Among full-time, regular workers who graduated from four-year universities, 62.7%said personality was an important factor for getting their current job, followed by academic major (55.8), education level (52.8%), foreign language skills (35.1%), and school attended (33.9%).
At companies that put importance on foreign language skills, people with high TOEIC scores are hired and the level of utilization of their foreign language skills is high. Hence, it seems that foreign language skills are used to some extent as a reasonable recruitment factor in such companies.