국내 박사학위 취득자의 졸업 직후 고용률은 58.0%이며 이들 중 비정규직 취업자는 62.6%임.
전공별 비정규직 비율은 인문계열이 90.8%로 가장 높고 공학계열이 40.1%로 가장 낮게 나타남.
정규직의 64.3%가 민간기업에 취업하였으며, 비정규직의 81.1%가 대학에 취업함.
인문계열 비정규직 박사는 대부분 시간강사(86.3%)이고, 공학계열은 대부분 박사후과정 연구원(77.6%)임.
정규직의 평균 연봉은 5,498만 6천 원으로 비정규직(2,642만 5천 원)보다 2,856만 1천 원이 더 많음. The employment rate of doctorate holders, who earned their degrees from a local Korean university, immediately after graduation is 58.0%, and 62.6% of them are irregular workers. Breaking down the share of irregular workers by academic major, the humanities majors accounted for the highest share of 90.8%, while engineering majors had the lowest share of 40.1%.
64.3% of full-time workers found work in private companies, while 81.1% of irregular workers were employed in colleges.
Most of the PhDs with humanities major were part-time lecturers (86.3%) while most of the PhDs who majored in engineering were postdoctoral researchers (77.6%).
The average salary of regular workers was 54,986,000 won, earning 28,561,000 won more than irregular workers with 26,425,000 won.