향후 5년 이내에 고졸 공채를 확대할 기업은 10.0%, 현 수준을 유지하겠다는 기업은 82.5%, 축소할 기업은 7.5%임.
고졸 공채를 확대하는 이유는‘만족스러운 고졸의 직무역량’이 35.4%로 가장 많고‘성실한 업무태도’도 18.5%로 나타나, 고졸 직원의 우수한 자질이 기업의 고졸 채용에 중요한 요인으로 작용함.
고졸 취업 활성화 정책 중‘고교단계부터 현장활용형 인력양성 정책’의 필요성에 공감하는 기업이 72.5%로 가장 많음.
고졸자의 선취업?후진학 활성화를 위해 가장 중요한 과제로‘탄력적 근로시간제 강화(37.6%)’를 꼽음.
한국형 일?학습 병행제도가 활성화되기 위해서는 우수한 교육 프로그램 제공(29.6%)과 산업계에서 통용되는 자격증 부여(29.2%)가 가장 중요함. 10.0% of employers indicated they will be increasing the recruitment of high school graduates in the next five years, while 82.5% said they will maintain the current level of their high school graduate intake, and 7.5% said they will be reducing the recruitment of high school graduates.
The results show that the most popular reason for increasing the recruitment of high school graduates is "satisfactory job skills of high school graduates" (35.4%), followed by "diligent attitude at work"(18.5%), which indicates that the outstanding qualities of high school educated employees serve as an important factor aiding their recruitment.
Of the policies to promote the employment of high school graduates, 72.5% of employers empathized most strongly with the need for "a policy to develop manpower competent enough to be deployed in the field from the high school stage".
Employers chose the "reinforced flexible working hour schemes" (37.6%) as the most important issue to be tackled in promoting the Employment First, University Later program for high school graduates.
"Provision of quality education programs" (29.6%) and "granting of qualifications commonly accepted in the industry" (29.2%) are found to be most important for the widespread establishment of a Korean-style dual system of work and learning.