직업별 일.가정 양립 실태

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Status of Work-Family Balance by Occupation
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가사.육아와 일을 병행할 수 있고 출산 후 재취업할 수 있는 가능성이 높은 직업으로는 초등학교 교사, 중.고등학교 교사, 교수, 보험 설계사 및 간접투자증권 판매인, 교육 관리자로 나타남.

일.가정 양립 수준이 높은 직업일수록 근무여건이 양호하고 직업전문성과 직무만족도가 높은 것으로 나타남.

여성 종사자의 비율이 높은 직업 중 가사.육아 병행 가능성이 높은 직업은 한복제조원, 방문판매원, 영양사, 김치 및 밑 반찬 제조 종사원 등임.

출산 후 재취업 가능성이 높은 직업은 한복제조원, 간호조무사, 보육교사, 간호사로 나타났으며, 일.가정 양립 수준이 높은 동시에 일자리 수요가 많은 직업은 보험 설계사 및 간접투자증권 판매인, 임상심리사 및 기타 치료사 등임.
The findings show that the jobs in which people have a higher chance of being able to balance work with housework/childcare and returning to work after having had a child are: elementary/middle/high school teachers, professors, insurance agents, sellers of indirect investment securities, and training managers.

Jobs with higher levels of work-family balance provide better work environments. In addition, people who have such jobs have higher levels of professional expertise and job satisfaction.

Among jobs with a high percentage of female workers and the jobs that enable a higher chance of being able to juggle work with housework/childcare are Korean traditional costume makers, door-to-door saleswomen, nutritionists, and women who work in the Kimchi and side dishes manufacturing industry.

The jobs that enable a higher chance of returning to work after having had a child are Korean traditional costume makers, daycare teachers, and nurses. In addition, the jobs that have high demand and allow work-family balance are insurance agents, sellers of indirect investment securities, clinical psychologists, and other therapists.
Appears in Collections:
연속간행물 > I. KRIVET Issue Brief (2012~현재)

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