신입사원 중 소명의식이 높은 직원은 17.4%, 직무에 만족하는 직원은 12.4%, 이직의도가 높은 직원은 13.8%로 나타남.
남자 신입사원이 여자 신입사원보다 소명의식(남자: 23.4%, 여자: 10.9%)과 직무 만족도(남자: 13.8%, 여자: 10.9%)가 높고, 이직의도(남자: 10.8%, 여자: 17.0%)는 더 낮음.
중소기업과 대기업 신입사원의 소명의식은 큰 차이가 없으나 직무만족도는 중소기업(12.9%)이 대기업(9.6%)보다 더 높고, 이직의도는 더 낮음(중소기업: 13.1%, 대기업: 17.8%).
제조업 신입사원의 소명의식(18.1%)과 직무만족도(15.3%)는 서비스업(각각 17.5%, 11.5%)보다 높고, 이직의도는 약간 낮음(제조업:13.9%, 서비스업: 13.7%).
교육훈련을 실시ㆍ지원하는 기업에서는 신입사원의 소명의식(18.7%)과 직무만족도(13.3%)가 실시하지 않는 기업 (각각 13.6%, 9.7%)보다 높고 이직의도는 낮음(실시ㆍ지원 기업: 11.1%, 미실시ㆍ미지원 기업: 24.3%). New employees with a higher level of a sense of vocation have a higher level of job satisfaction and a lower intention to change jobs.
Among new employees, 17.4% have a high level of a sense of vocation, 12.4% are satisfied with their current jobs, and 13.8% have a high intention to change jobs.
Male new employees' sense of vocation (23.4%) and job satisfaction (13.8%) are higher than female new employees' sense of vocation (10.9%) and job satisfaction (10.9%). In addition, male new employees' intention to change jobs (10.8%) is lower than that of their female counterparts (17.0%).
There is no significant difference in the sense of vocation between new employees at small and medium-sized companies and those at large companies. However, those at small and medium-sized companies have a higher level of job satisfaction (12.9%) than those at large companies (9.6%). Also, those at small and medium-sized companies (13.1%) have a lower intention to change jobs than those at large companies (17.8%).
New employees in the manufacturing industry have higher levels of a sense of vocation (18.1%) and job satisfaction (15.3%) than those in the service industry (17.5% and 11.5% respectively). Moreover, new employees in the manufacturing industry have a slightly lower intention to change jobs (13.9%) than those in the service industry (13.7%).
New employees at companies that provide and support education and training have higher levels of a sense of vocation (18.7%) and job satisfaction (13.3%) than those at companies that do not (13.6% and 9.7% respectively). However, new employees at companies that provide and support education and training have a lower intention to change jobs (11.1%) than those at companies that do not (24.3%).