선취업 후진학자, 무엇 때문에 힘들까?

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What Troubles the Participants of the Employment First, Life-Long Education Later Program?
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회사와 대학교육을 병행하면서 겪는 어려움으로는 ‘학습시간 부족’이 46.4%, ‘교육비(개인 부담금) 부담’은 37.8%, ‘인근 지역에 희망 학과 부족’은 36.8%, ‘상사의 눈치’는 32.9%로 나타남.

후진학자의 73.4%가 개인이 등록금의 일부 또는 전액을 부담하고 있음. 정부 재정지원 및 학자금 대출을 받는 경우는 34.3%, 대학 장학금은 33.6%, 회사 재정지원 및 학자금 대출은 32.6%임.

4년제 대학 후진학자 중 상사의 눈치 때문에 일·학습 병행에 어려움을 겪는 경우는 36.5%로 전문대학 후진학자 30.4% 보다 많음.

대기업 후진학자(42.7%)가 중소기업 후진학자(30.8%)보다 상사의 눈치 때문에 일·학습 병행이 어렵다고 응답한 비율이 11.9%p 더 높음.

정부의 재정 지원 확대를 통해 후진학자의 교육비 부담을 덜어주고, 학습하는 직원에게 “눈치 주는” 기업 문화를 “격려하는” 기업문화로 전환하는 것이 필요함.
Regarding the difficulties in juggling work and college education, the percentage who answered 'shortage of studying time' is the highest (46.4%), followed by 'tuition fees shouldered by individuals' (37.8%), 'shortage of desired departments and courses in nearby areas' (36.8%), and 'pressure from superiors' (32.9%).

73.4% of program participants are shouldering the whole or part of their tuition fees themselves. The percentage who receive the government's financial aid and student loans is 34.3%; the percentage who receive college scholarships is 33.6%; and the percentage who receive their companies' financial aid and student loans is 32.6%.

Among the program participants, the percentage of four-year college graduates who have difficulties in juggling work and study because of pressure from their superiors is 36.5%, which is higher than the percentage of two-year college graduates, at 30.4%.

The percentage of program participants in large companies who answered that they have difficulties in juggling work and study because of pressure from their superiors (42.7%) is 11.9 percentage points higher than the percentage of such program participants in small and medium-sized companies (30.8%).

It is necessary to ease the burden of tuition fees on program participants by expanding the government's financial aid and changing the current corporate culture of 'putting pressure' on learning employees into a new corporate culture of 'giving encouragement.'
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연속간행물 > I. KRIVET Issue Brief (2012~현재)
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