34세 이하 4년제 대졸 미취업자 중 69.0%가 대학 졸업 후 아르바이트를 한 경험이 있음.
4년제 대졸 미취업자 중 아르바이트 참여자의 연령별 평균 임금은 20~24세가 주당 15만 8천 원, 25~29세는 주당 22만 2천 원, 30~34세는 26만 6천 원으로 연령이 높아질수록 아르바이트 소득이 높아짐.
4년제 대졸 미취업자의 60.5%가 경제적인 이유(용돈 마련 37.3%, 생활비 마련 23.2%)로 대학 졸업 후 아르바이트를 실시함.
25~29세 4년제 대졸 미취업자가 가장 걱정하는 문제는 취업(71.1%), 경제적 문제(52.0%), 건강(40.4%) 순이나 30~34세는 경제적 문제(57.7%), 취업(47.4%), 인간관계(45.9%) 순으로, 취업 걱정은 줄어들고 경제적 문제와 인간관계에 대한 걱정이 더 많아짐. Among unemployed people with a four-year college education who are 34 years old or younger, 69.0% have the experience of having a part-time job after college graduation.
The average wage for each age bracket of part-time work participants among unemployed people with a four-year college education is as follows: those aged 20-24, 158,000 won per week; those aged 25-29, 222,000 won per week; and those aged 30-34, 266,000 won per week. The figures show that income from part-time work increases in proportion to age.
60.5% of unemployed people with a four-year college education worked a part-time job after college graduation for economic reasons ('to earn pocket money' (37.3%) and 'to pay living expenses' (23.2%)).
The issue most worried about by unemployed people with a four-year college education who are aged 25-29 is 'finding a job' (71.1%), followed by 'economic issues' (52.0%) and 'health' (40.4%). On the other hand, among those who are aged 30-34, the most worried about issue is 'economic issues' (57.7%), followed by 'finding a job' (47.4%) and 'interpersonal relationships' (45.9%). The figures show that with age, concerns about finding employment decrease, but concerns about economic issues and interpersonal relationships increase.