직장 괴롭힘의 피해가 가장 심한 업종은 교육 분야로, 피해자 비율은 25.3%, 6개월간 평균 괴롭힘 횟수는 223.6회에 달함.
괴롭힘의 주요 가해자는 흔히 직속상사이지만, 일반 서비스업과 보건의료 분야에서는 고객에 의한 괴롭힘도 심각함. 특히 일반 서비스업에서 주 가해자가 고객이라고 응답한 피해자의 비율은 43.2%, 보건의료업은 40.5%로 나타남.
괴롭힘에 대해 문제 제기를 하는 피해자는 불과 3명당 1명에 불과하며, 가해자에게 직접 항의할 수 있는 경우는 17.9%에 지나지 않음.
업종 전반에 걸쳐 가장 빈번하게 나타난 괴롭힘은 사직 종용으로, 업종에 따라 6개월간 평균 5.6~21.0회 반복됨.
평균 주간 근로시간이 60시간 이상인 근로자들 중 피해자 비율은 31.0%로, 40~50시간인 근로자 12.7%보다 2.4배 높음.
구조조정을 하는 직장의 피해자 비율은 22.9%로 구조조정을 하지 않은 직장의 8.9%보다 2.6배 높으며, 정규직 근로자(12.4%)보다 비정규직 근로자(22.2%)의 피해자 비율이 높게 나타남. The sector where workplace bullying is most severe is the education sector. The percentage of victims and the average number of bullying instances that occur in 6 months for the education sector are as much as 25.3% and 223.6 instances, respectively.
The most common bullies are immediate superiors. However, in the general services sector and the healthcare sectors, there are also serious incidences of bullying by customers. The percentage of victims who answered that the main bullies are customers is 43.2% in the general services sector and 40.5% in the healthcare sector.
Only one in three takes issue with bullying, and only 17.9% of victims made a direct report against the perpetrator.
The most frequent type of bullying throughout all sectors is urging resignation, and it recurred 5.6 to 21.0 times on average within 6 months depending on the job sector.
The percentage of victims among workers whose average weekly working hours are 60 hours or more is 31.0%, which is 2.4 times as much as the 12.7% among workers whose average weekly working hours are 40 to 50 hours.
The percentage of victims among those who work for companies that conduct restructuring is 22.9%, which is 2.6 times as much as the 8.9% among those who work at companies that do not conduct restructuring. In addition, the percentage of victims among non-regular workers (22.2%) is higher than the percentage of regular workers (12.4%).