군 복무 경험이 앞으로 할 일에 도움이 됐다고 생각하는 비율은 학력이 높을수록(고등학교 54.6%, 4년제 대학 56.2%), 전투병과(56.8%)보다는 비전투병과 출신이(58.4%), 사병(57.2%)보다는 부사관 또는 장교(76.8%) 출신이 높게 나타남.
세부 분야별 군 복무 경험의 도움 정도는 인내심이 4.18점(5점 만점)으로 가장 높고, 능력 개발 분야는 2.92점으로 가장 낮음.
개인의 성격 특성 중 외향성, 친화성, 성실성이 높을수록 군 복무 경험이 도움이 되었다고 응답함 55.8% of all respondents said the military experience will help them in their future careers.
The percentage of people who believe military service will help them in their future careers increased as their level of education increased (high school 54.6%, 4-year college 56.2%). The figure was also higher for non-combat arms (58.4%) than for combat arms (56.8%) and higher for non-commissioned officers or officers (76.8%) than for the ranks (57.2%).
Looking at the helpfulness of each facet of military experience, patience had the highest score of 4.18 points (out of 5 points), while ability development had the lowest score of 2.92 points.
People with a high level of extroversion, affinity, and sincerity among their personality traits were more likely to say that military experience was helpful.