인문계열의 경우 다전공자의 월 평균 임금은 201만 4천 원으로, 단일전공자 180만 9천 원보다 약 20만 5천 원 더 많음.
전체 4년제 대졸자의 20%가 다전공을 하였으며, 여자(26.2%)가 남자(14.6%)보다, 인문계열(42.1%)이 타 계열보다, 수도권 대학(25.8%)이 지방대학(14.9%)보다 다전공 비율이 높음.
인문계열은 입학 당시 가구 소득이 월 200만 원 미만인 경우 다전공 비율이 29.9%로, 500만 원 이상인 경우(49.9%)보다 20.0%p 낮음.
수도권 대학 인문계열 대졸자의 다전공 비율은 49.9%로, 지방 광역시 소재 대학 38.3%, 그 외 지방대학 30.8%보다 각각 11.6%p, 19.1%p 높음. The average monthly salary of people with multiple majors was KRW2.07 million, slightly higher than that of people with a single major (KRW2.059 million).
The average monthly salary of people with multiple majors in humanities was KRW2.014 million, higher than that of people with a single major (KRW1.809 million) by about KRW205,000.
20% of all people who graduated from 4-year colleges had multiple majors, and the percentage of people with multiple majors was higher in females (26.2%) than in males (14.6%), higher in people with humanities majors (42.1%) than people with other majors, and higher in metropolitan college graduates (25.8%) than in provincial non-metropolitan college graduates (14.9%).
29.9% of the people with humanities majors whose household income was less than KRW2 million when they entered college had multiple majors, 20.0pp lower than if their household income was KRW5 million or more (49.9%).
49.9% of metropolitan college graduates had multiple majors, 11.6pp higher than provincial metropolitan college graduates (38.3%) and 19.1pp higher than other provincial non-metropolitan college graduates (30.8%).