대학 교육의 만족도와 전공-일자리 일치도, 전공 지식의 업무 활용도 및 임금과의 관계
- Alternative Title
- Satisfaction with college education and major-job conformity, and the relationship between the level of knowledge in the major field of study utilized in jobs and wages
- Author(s)
- 이은혜
- Publication Year
- 2015-08-30
- Created
- 2015-08-31
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/7413
- Abstract
- 대학 교육 만족도는 수도권 대학이 지방대학보다, 대학 순위가 높을수록 높음. 특히 수도권 대학(57.3%)은 지방대학(51.5%)보다 전공 교수진의 능력 및 열의 측면에서 만족도가 더 높고, 상위권 대학(49.0%)은 하위권 대학(38.6%)보다 전공 커리큘럼 및 교육 내용에서 만족도가 10.4%p 더 높음.
만족스러운 전공 교육을 받은 대졸자는 전공-일자리 미스매치 비율이 낮게 나타남. 특히 전공 커리큘럼 및 교육 내용에 만족하는 대졸자의 전공-일자리 미스매치 비율은 20.3%로, 불만족하는 대졸자(38.3%)에 비해 18.0%p 낮음.
만족스러운 대학 교육을 받은 대졸자는 불만족스러운 경우보다 임금을 더 많이 받음. 특히 1~30위권 대학 졸업자 중 전공 커리큘럼 및 내용에 만족하는 경우, 월평균 임금이 251만 6천 원으로 불만족하는 대졸자 224만 2천 원보다 27만 4천 원 더 높음. 61위 이하 대학 졸업자는 진로 지원에 만족하는 경우(199만 8천 원)가 불만족하는 경우(184만 9천 원)보다 14만 9천 원 더 받음.
Satisfaction with college education is higher in metropolitan colleges than in provincial non-metropolitan colleges, increasing in line with college rankings. Students of metropolitan colleges (57.3%) are more satisfied with the abilities and enthusiasm of the faculties than those attending provincial, non-metropolitan colleges (51.5%). In addition, satisfaction with the curriculums of their majors and educational contents is 10.4pp higher in top colleges (49.0%) than in lower-ranking colleges (38.6%)
College graduates who received satisfactory education in their major field of study showed a lower level of major?job mismatch. In particular, the major?job mismatch rate of college graduates who are satisfied with the curriculums of their majors and educational contents was 20.3%, 18.0pp lower than that of dissatisfied college graduates (38.3%).
College graduates who received satisfactory college education receive higher wages than dissatisfied college graduates. In particular, the average monthly salary of graduates from colleges ranked 1st to 30th who are satisfied with the curriculums of their majors and educational contents is KRW2.516 million, KRW274,000 more than that of dissatisfied college graduates (KRW2.242 million). The average monthly salary of graduates from colleges ranked below 61st who are satisfied with the career support was KRW1.998 million, KRW149,000 more than that of dissatisfied graduates (KRW1.849 million).
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