A 시청 공무직 근로자의 직장 괴롭힘 실태

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The reality of workplace harassment among City Hall civil servants
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공무직 중 간접고용 근로자가 직접고용 근로자보다 괴롭힘에 더욱 취약한 것으로 나타남(1회 이상 괴롭힘 에 노출· 직접고용: 41.2%, 간접고용 54.6%: 6개월간 평균 괴롭힘 행위 경험 빈도 · 직접고용: 24.0회, 간접고용: 28.7회).

여자는 주로 개인적인 괴롭힘(성희롱, 언어폭력, 트집·시비 등)을 당하는 반면, 남자는 업무 관련 괴롭힘(CCTV 감시, 업무능력·성과 비인정, 업무능력·성과에 대한 조롱)을 더 많이 겪음.

공무직 괴롭힘의 주요 가해자는 담당 공무원과 작업반장·실장임(공무원: 37.2%, 작업반장·실장: 32.1%, 같은 직급: 11.5%, 선임직원: 10.3%).

괴롭힘에 대해 항의(호소)하는 피해자는 10명당 1명에 불과했으며, 고용형태에 따라 큰 차이가 있음(직접고용 피해자: 23.1% 호소, 간접고용 피해자: 0% 호소).
It has come to light that among civil servants indirect employees are more vulnerable to harassment than direct employees (disclosure of at least 1 count of harassment · direct employees: 41.2%, indirect employees: 54.6%; average frequency of workers experiencing harassment in a 6-month period · direct employees: 24.0 counts, indirect employees: 28.7 counts).

Females usually experience interpersonal harassment (sexual harassment, verbal abuse, nitpicking, being picked on, etc.), while males more commonly experience work-related harassment (CCTV surveillance, lack of recognition for or ridicule of work capabilities/achievements).

The main perpetrators of workplace harassment are officers in charge and heads of working groups/department chiefs (officers: 37.2%, heads of working groups/department chiefs: 32.1%, equal rank civil servants: 11.5%, senior personnel: 10.3%).

Just 1 in 10 victims complain about (report) harassment, and a big difference exists between job types (direct employee victims: 23.1% filed reports, indirect employee victims: 0% filed reports).
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연속간행물 > I. KRIVET Issue Brief (2012~현재)

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