고졸 재직근로자의 후진학 계속교육 수요와 참여 여건은 충분한가?
- Alternative Title
- Is there enough demand for continuing education programs among currently employed high school graduates, and are conditions sufficient?
- Author(s)
- 김기홍
- Publication Year
- 2016-03-15
- Created
- 2016-03-15
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/7426
- Abstract
- 고졸 취업자 가운데 후진학 계속교육이 필요하다고 생각하는 경우는 60.9%, 향후 후진학 계속교육에 참여할 의향이 있는 경우는 56.0%로, 후진학 계속교육에 대한 참여 의지가 매우 강함.
고졸 취업자의 절반 이상(55.5%)이 3년 이내에 후진학 계속교육에 대한 수요가 증가할 것이라고 전망함.
후진학 계속교육에 참여하고 싶은 주된 이유는 ‘현재 담당하고 있는 직무와 상관없이 자기개발을 위하여(33.8%)’, ‘현재 담당하고 있는 직무능력 향상을 위하여(27.0%)’, ‘학위 취득을 통해 사회적으로 인정받고 싶어서(24.9%)’임.
후진학 계속교육에 참여하고 싶지 않은 주된 이유는 ‘시간적 여유가 없음(33.8%)’, ‘학위 취득의 필요성을 느끼지 않음(24.7%)’, ‘공부에 흥미가 없음(22.4%)’임.
60.9% of employed high school graduates think they need continuing education and 56.0% intend to participate in continuing education, meaning the desire to take part in continuing education is very high.
More than half of employed high school graduates (55.5%) want to participate in continuing education sometime in the next 3 years, and this demand is expected to increase.
Respondents said the main reason for participating in continuing education is "personal development unrelated to my current work responsibilities" (33.8%), followed by "to improve my capacity to fulfill current work responsibilities" (27.0%), and "to receive social recognition by acquiring a degree" (24.9%).
Respondents said the main reason for not wanting to participate in continuing education is "lack of time available" (33.8%), "lack of perceived necessity to acquire a degree" (24.7%), and "lack of interest in studying" (22.4%).
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