근로자의 사회경제적 환경이 중하위층(25.5%) 또는 하위층(23.5%)인 경우 직장 괴롭힘의 피해율이 높게 나타나는 반면, 상류층은 괴롭힘의 피해율(15.1%)이 가장 낮고 가해율(16.2%)은 가장 높음.
국내 경제활동인구의 98%를 차지하는 15개 산업 분야 전반의 직장 괴롭힘 실태조사 결과, 조작적 피해자는 21.4%, 주관적 피해자는 4.3%로 나타남.
산업분야 중 숙박 및 음식점업(27.5%)과 보건업 및 사회복지서비스업(26.0%)에서 조작적 피해율이 가장 높고, 주관적 피해율이 가장 높은 산업은 예술, 스포츠 및 여가 관련 서비스업(7.0%)과 보건업 및 사회복지서비스업(6.0%)임.
직장 괴롭힘으로 인한 15개 산업 전체의 인건비 손실은 약 4조 7,835억 원으로 추산됨.
소속된 회사 내에 직장 괴롭힘에 대응하는 고충처리담당 부서가 없다 혹은 있는지 모르겠다는 응답이 79.2%, 직장 괴롭힘 방지 법령이 필요하다는 응답은 85.4%에 달함. The rate of victimization due to workplace bullying was high in the middle and lower class (25.5%) or in the lower class (23.5%), whereas the upper class recorded the lowest victimization rate (15.1%) and the highest perpetration rate (16.2%).
The result of the research on the actual status of workplace bullying in 15 industries, which accounted for 98% of the economically active population in Korea, showed that 21.4% were operational victims and 4.3% were subjective victims.
The lodging and restaurant industries (27.5%) and health and social work services (26.0%) recorded the highest operational victimization rates, whereas the art, sports, and recreation-related services (7.0%) and health and social work services (6.0%) posted the highest subjective victimization rates.
The loss of labor costs in a total of 15 industries due to workplace bullying was estimated to be 4.784 trillion won.
79.2% of the respondents answered that there was no grievance settlement department in their companies, or they did not know if there was one; 85.4% of the respondents answered that a workplace bullying prevention act is needed.