마이스터고 신입생의 고교 진학 이유 및 졸업 후 진로 계획
- Alternative Title
- Reasons for entering Meister School and career plans after graduating
- Author(s)
- 김성남
- Publication Year
- 2016-11-15
- Created
- 2016-11-14
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/7441
- Abstract
- 마이스터고 신입생의 53.9%가 후진학 계획이 있다고 응답하였으며, 후진학 계획 이유로는 전공 분야에서의 전문성 향상(40.7%), 후진학 형태로는 주말과 야간을 활용한 일과 학습의 병행(72.8%)이 많은 비중을 차지함.
2016학년도에 입학한 마이스터고 신입생들은 높은 취업가능성(43.3%)을 가장 주요한 진학 이유로 인식하고 있음.
마이스터고 졸업 후 취업 계획으로는 공기업 및 정부부처 취업(30.7%), 대기업 취업(25.6%), 중소기업 또는 중견기업 취업(24.5%), 미결정(15.7%)의 순으로 나타남.
직장 선택의 주요 기준은 고용안정성(39.1%), 자기개발 및 성장가능성(20.6%), 연봉 수준(17.7%), 복지제도(16.6%)의 순으로 나타남.
53.9% of Meister School freshmen answered that they had the “employment first, university later" plan. The top reason for the plan was the improvement of specialization in their majors (40.7%); in terms of the type of plan, the combination of work and study using weekend and nighttime (72.8%) accounted for a large proportion.
The Meister School freshmen in 2016 said that the higher employment possibility (43.3%) is the most important reason for entering their schools.
Employment plans after graduating from the Meister School were public enterprise and government agency employment (30.7%), followed by large corporation employment (25.6%), medium and small enterprise employment (24.5%), and undecided (15.7%).
The main criteria for job selection were employment stability (39.1%) followed by self-development and growth potential (20.6%), salary level (17.7%), and welfare system (16.6%).
* The full-text is available in Korean only.
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