실업계 고등학교 학교기업 활성화를 위한 실천 방안 연구

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Study on a Methodology to Facilitate School Enterprises of Vocational High Schools
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본 연구는 현재 운영되고 있는 학교기업이 기업의 생산성을 지향하여 학교기업 본래의 목적인 실업계 고등학교에서의 현장 지향적인 교육 프로그램 운영이라는 교육 목표와 부합되지 않는 운영이 발생될 수 있는 문제점 등을 심층적으로 분석하여, 경직되어 있는 학교기업 운영제도를 활성화시키고, 실질적인 도움을 줄 수 있는 학교기업 실천 방안을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다.
This study is to identify domestic and global trend of school enterprises and to analyze case examples of foreign countries which run similar programs to vocational high schools of Korea and to extract implications from it. In addition, to analyze in more detail operational status of school corporations at Korea vocational high school, we conducted case studies and current status analysis to identify their problems, and proposed improvement plans based on it. On the other hand, regarding specific strategies for operation of vocational high school, we presented target, period, operational organizations, operation procedure of school corporations and implementation plan(draft). In conducting this study, we analyzed relevant paper and data as a preliminary method and did further study such as survey, interview, expert committee and policy debate.
Through the analysis on educational institutions equivalent to vocational high school of Korea among school corporations at high school stage in the U. S., China and India, the following implications were identified: First, school corporations activities produce positive effect on school education as a whole. This program generally instills students with more proactive attitude for social activities, vocational ethics and motivation, while to school, it provides an opportunity to accumulate experiences of operation and great know how to interrelate school education program and corporate education program; Second, school corporations must be carefully planned and executed by being limited to a specific program and a specific curriculum. This gives implications that variety of school corporation models can be developed and applied; Third, school corporations must maintain close cooperation with the local community and must involve the local community and relevant experts throughout all the process from the establishment to production, and distribution of products; Lastly, the objective of school corporations should be to realize underlying educational objectives to allow students to acquire field knowledge and skill at vocational high school, and this must not be abused as means to exploit labor of students.
By analyzing current status of school corporations of Korean vocational high school, the following problems were identified; First, there is lack of complete understanding on school corporations; Second, in operating school corporations, it is difficult to ask for full cooperation of students and faculty. Without any incentives to teachers for operating school corporations, teachers are required to do double job as a teacher and as an operator of school corporation; Third, it is hard to draw common factors between regular educational curricula and school corporations. For example, as for agriculture, seasonal fluctuations must be considered, and as for vocational school specialized in commerce and engineering, it is difficult to include school corporation in the regular educational curricula which is related to certificates; Fourth, in terms of law and system, even schools which want to operate school corporations are hesitating because of lack of legal framework and background to support school corporations. Under the current legal and regulatory framework, there is no clear provisions about independent funding or accounting, appropriation of revenues by national and public high school; Fifth, as for technical high schools subject to regulations on facilities and equipment, it is realistically difficult to run school corporations because of quality of output and business management as they have to use facilities and equipment of schools during the process of operating school corporations; Sixth, operating cost for school corporations is passively funded. Expenses required for experimental stud by students are funded by operating expense of school, which is small, and difficult to use when in need; Seventh, there is lack of flexibility in securing budget for operation of school corporations; Eighth, it is difficult to secure close partnership with partner firms of school corporations.
Table Of Contents
연구 요약
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 내용 2
3. 연구의 방법 2
4. 용어의 정의 7
Ⅱ. 학교기업에 대한 문헌 고찰 11
1. 선행 연구 분석 11
2. 외국의 학교기업 사례 분석 및 시사점 13
Ⅲ. 우리 나라 실업계 고등학교에서의 학교기업 운영 현황 분석 23
1. 실태조사 분석 23
2. 사례 분석 34
3. 학교기업 운영 현황 분석에서 도출된 문제점 70
Ⅳ. 학교기업 운영 개선 방안 및 구체적 실천방안 77
1. 학교기업 운영 개선 방향 77
2. 학교기업 운영을 위한 구체적 실천 방안 88
Ⅴ. 결론 및 정책 제언 101
1. 결론 101
2. 정책 제언 102
참 고 문 헌 105
Abstract 109
부록 학교기업 운영 실태 조사지 111
이남철. (2002-12-31). 실업계 고등학교 학교기업 활성화를 위한 실천 방안 연구.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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