Keynote Speech 1 Dr. Rupert Maclean (Director, UNESCO-UNEVOC Center) 3 2 Dr. Moo-Ki Bai (President, Ulsan Univ.) 21 Session 1 : Topic Presentations Topic 1 Improving systems to provide VET through one's lifetime /Dr. Helmut P?tz (President, BIBB) 35 Topic 2 Using ICT in VET / Dr. Morgan V. Lewis (Professor, NDCCTE, Ohio Univ.) 49 Topic 3 Assessment and recognition system of learning and training outcomes / Mr. Anders Nilsson (Specialist, CEDEFOP) 69 Topic 4 Financing mechanisms for VET / Mr. Gregory Wurzburg (Specialist, OECD) 85 Topic 5 Involvement of stakeholders in VET / Dr. Shyamal Majumdar (Specialist, CPSC) 139 Session 2 : Country Reports Case 1 Germany / Dr. Gisela Dybowski (Director of International Cooperation, BIBB) 153 Case 2 France / Dr. Hugues Bertrand (Director, CEREQ) 165 Case 3 Australia / Dr. Tom Karmel (Director, NCVER) 185 Case 4 United Kingdom / Dr. Brenden Barker (Duty-director, British Council) 223 Case 5 China / Dr. Zuguang Yu (Vice-director, CIVTE) 233 Case 6 Japan / Dr. Shigemi Yahata (Director of Research Division, JIL) 253 Case 7 Korea 1 VET through one's lifetime: New approaches and implementation ? Korean case / Dr. Sung-Joon Paik (Fellow, KRIVET) 271 2 Current operational status and future direction of CE in vocational colleges / Dr. Sung-Tae Hong (Professor, Yeungjin Junior College) 297 3 A Case Study on the Business Learning System for Bringing Up a Specialist in Korea / Dr. Gi-Hun Yang (Hyundai Research Institute) 341