경기도 여성특화 직업상담센터의 내실화 방안 연구

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Study on How to Strengthen Job Counseling Centers Specialized for Women in Gyonggi-Do
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본 연구의 목적은 크게 다음의 세 가지로 요약될 수 있다.
첫째, 경기도 여성인적자원개발 및 활용을 지원하는 12개 기관의 직업상담 현황을 분석한다.
둘째, 경기도 12개 기관에서 제공하는 직업훈련 여성 참여자의 경력인식·경력탐색·경력계획, 그리고 심리·환경적 특성 등을 파악하기 위한 면담 및 설문조사를 실시한다.
셋째, 경기도 12개 기관 여성직업훈련 참여자의 경력개발 특성 및 12개 기관의 직업상담현황을 토대로 여성특화 직업상담센터의 내실화 방안을 제안한다.
Gyonggi-Do Government has entrusted Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training (KRIVET) with a pilot project for job counselors from 12 institutions in Gyonggi-Do so as to actively support the development and utilization of women resources. The pilot project aims to serve two purposes: training of counselors from the 12 Gyonggi-Do-based institutions to enhance their counseling capability; and research designed to find ways to strengthen job counseling centers specialized for women in Gyonggi-Do. However, this Study does not include detailed information as to the 5 rounds of training programs which were offered for those job counselors for a total 40 hours from May through October 2002, as such information will be separately published in the book titled "Gyonggi-Do Training Manual for Job Counseling for Women."
The significance of this Study can be found for 4 reasons. First, there has been a lack of study on how to mobilize counseling as a medium to address concerns such as: "How can the "M-shaped Curve" syndrome be overcome?" (The M-shaped Curve signif ies poor rates of women's labor f orce participation and, accordingly, the avoidance of the M-Shaped Curve is conditioned on the eff ective development and utilization of women resources.); "Can the problem of alienation of unmarried women or married women with no young children from labor market be solved?"; and "What supportive measure needs to be taken for those women freed from the obligation of nursery and housework and at the same time inclined toward career development?" Second, as women's will toward employment and perception toward career evolve, job counseling intervention is becoming increasingly necessary as a supportive system to address the growing needs among women for career resilience. Third, career counseling can serve as a very effective solution to promote drivers and reduce barriers to women's career development. Fourth, by facilitating a transition not only from school to work but also from housekeeping to employment, counseling intervention can play a very important role in helping women continue to seek their own career development in a timely manner in the face of the women-unfriendly environment of the labor market as well as in utilizing the nation's human resources effectively and enhancing the nation's competitiveness.
In this context, this Study aims at: first, analyzing the status of job counseling among the 12 institutions designed to support the development and utilization of women resources in Gyonggi-Do; second, carrying out interviews and a survey to understand perception toward career, career search, career planning and psychological·environmental characteristics among women participating in job training programs offered by the 12 Gyonggi-Do-based institutions; and, third, proposing ways to strengthen job counseling centers for women.
Table Of Contents
연구 요약ⅰ
I. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구 목적 5
3. 연구 방법 6
II. 이론적 접근과 선행연구 15
1. 여성의 경력개발 이론 15
2. 여성의 경력개발을 지원하는 경력상담 20
3. 여성의 경력개발 영향 변인 26
4. 여성구직자 및 구인자의 인식격차 44
III. 경기도 12기관의 직업상담실 운영 실태 61
1. 여성특화 직업상담실 운영 필요성 61
2. 여성특화 직업상담실 운영의 장애요인 64
3. 여성특화 직업 상담실 운영실태 65
4. 여성특화 직업상담원의 업무 분석 71
IV. 경기도 여성의 경력개발 실태 및 요구조사 분석 75
1. 응답자 특성 75
2. 여성의 경력인식 77
3. 여성의 경력탐색 88
4. 여성의 경력계획 96
5. 여성의 심리적·환경적 특성 101
V. 여성특화 직업상담센터의 내실화 방안 115
1. 직업상담 운영체제 115
2. 시설 및 설비·도구 119
3. 직업상담사 역량 제고 125
4. 인력배치 및 상담자 고용안정 130
5. 홍보 및 지원체제 133
VI. 결론 135
참고문헌 137
부록. 1 여성 내담자들의 직업분류 149
부록. 2 각 변인들간의 상관관계 150
부록. 3 여성특화상담 설문지 152
이지연. (2002-12-31). 경기도 여성특화 직업상담센터의 내실화 방안 연구. 경기도 직업상담사파견 시범사업.
Research Report
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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