2001 Research Abstracts

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1. Study on the Natural Rate of Unemployment and Its Changes 1
2. Measuring Human Capital Stock in Korea during the 1963∼2000 4
3. Methods of Promoting Private Investment into Human Resources
Development Industry 7
4. A Study on the Reinforcement Strategies of Vocational Education at Accredited Schools for Life- long Education 11
5. The Comprehensive Scheme For Lifelong Vocational Education and Training (II) 15
6. Promotion of Vocational Competence Development for Non- standard
Workers: Focusing on Production Workers in Manufacturing Sector 21
7. An Approach for Vocational Education and Training for Women in the Knowledge-Based Society 27
8. A Study on the Development Model and Implementation of Curriculum in Colleges in Korea 33
9. A Study on Vocational Courses in General High Schools and Strategies for Further Development 37
10. A Scheme to Improve the Utilization of Vocational Qualification in the Labor Market 39
11. Career Guidance at Higher Education Level in Korea 43
12. Plans to Promote Active Operation of Lifelong Learning Facilities for the Development of Knowledge-Based Human Resources 47
13. The Research on Human Resource Development for Promoting Industry of Regional Tradition and Culture 52
14. Analysis of the Current State of Private Qualification Administration and Improvement Measures 58
15. Providing Effective Employment Education in Vocational High Schools 63
16. Activation Plan for Self- Support Vocational Training 67
17. A Scheme to Incorporate a Concept of Learning Organization into an Enterprise 71
18. A Study on the Program of Work-based Career Guidance for Junior High School Students of Korea 77
19. Development of a Vocational Aptitude Inventory for Secondary School Students(Ⅱ) 80
20. The Development of Job Performance Standard for Vocational Teachers in Vocational High School 83
21. Analysis on University Graduates Reentrance into Junior Colleges or Polytechnic Colleges 91
22. Restructuring Junior College Programs Based on the Employment Outlook for the 21st Century 96
23. A Scheme for Improving HRD for a Flexible Labour Market 98
24. Entrustment Criteria of National Technical Qualification to Private Organizations 101
25. The Study on the Career Plan of High School Students 106
26. Visions and Strategies for National Human Resources Development 110
27. Human Resources Development Strategies of North Korean Workers to Enhance Economic Cooperation between South and North Korea 119
28. Improving the Linkage between Education & Training and the Labor Market 126
29. Evaluation of the Achievements of the Government- Funding Projects for Colleges 131
30. Indexes and Indicators in Human Resource Development 135
31. Supportive Activities and Studies in Realizing the MOE' s Empowerment Plan for Vocational High School Development 137
32. Analysis of Output of Vocational Training for the Unemployed in 2000 141
33. The Development of Module- type Educational Material System to Changes in the Vocational Education and Training Environment 146
34. Job Analysis for Developing Vocational Education and Training Course 151
35. A Study on Occupational Changes(Ⅰ) - Focusing on information and communication industry 155
36. A Comparative Research on Qualification Systems in Selected Countries 161
37. Measures for Improving the System of Vocational Training Standards 163
38. Research and Development of T eaching and Learning Methods
in Environmental Education - Focusing on Practical Arts(Technology & Home Economics) 169
39. A Scheme to Promote Web- based Education and Training for Human Resource Development 175
40. A Study on Competency Based Curriculum Development for Vocational High School and Junior College in Korea 181
41. Plans for Strengthening the Functions of Continuing Education in Junior Colleges 185
42. Construction of Objective and Content Criteria for Career Education in Korea 189
43. Plan for Developing Vocational Education System Focusing on Interrelated
Education between Vocational High Schools and Technical Colleges 190
44. A Fundamental Study for National Manpower Supply and Demand Forecast 194
45. Improvements for Government Funding Projects to Promote the Advancement of Colleges 196
46. Methods of Promoting the Industry-Education Collaboration at the Tertiary Level 198
47. Junior College Professor Upgrade Training Program Development (Ⅰ) 200
48. A Comparative Analysis of Job Forecasting Studies on Major Countries 204
49. A Preliminary Study for the DB Construction of Vocational Training Agencies and Training Programs 206
50. A Preliminary Study on the Current State of Human Resource Development in Enterprises 211
51. A Study on the Establishment of a Database System for Vocational Education 216
52. A Scheme for Improving Lifelong Vocational and Educational Training with Reduction of Working Hours 221
53. A Study on the Construction of Infrastructure for National Human Resource Development 226
54. A Study on Development of Human Resources in Private Vocational High Schools 229
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
KRIVET. (2002-05-31). 2001 Research Abstracts.
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연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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